Viral Posts Fabricate a ‘President Mozzarella’ Gaffe

FAN Moderator

Quick Take Social media lit up with a false claim that President Donald Trump referred to Italian President Sergio Mattarella as “President Mozzarella.” The transcripts and videos prove he didn’t. Full Story A false claim that President Donald Trump called Italian President Sergio Mattarella “President Mozzarella” in a joint appearance […]

The Facts on Mental Illness and Mass Shootings

FAN Moderator

Q: Do people with serious mental health disorders pose a greater risk of becoming mass shooters? A: People with mental illnesses are somewhat more likely to be violent than those without a diagnosis. But a majority are never violent, and very little is known specifically about mass murder. FULL QUESTION […]

Instagram Post Falsely Links Flu Vaccine to Polio

FAN Moderator

Quick Take A popular Instagram post falsely claims “over 1,100 people died from reactions to the [flu] shot” in 2018, and suggests that the immunization gave some children polio. The flu vaccine cannot give anyone polio and there is no evidence to support the 1,100 figure. Full Story  Just as […]

Flurry of Trump Falsehoods

FAN Moderator

Summary In two press appearances in the same day, President Donald Trump made several false claims and distorted the facts on issues ranging from Syria to trade: Trump claimed that former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan “would never issue a subpoena,” because of his “respect for our country.” But subpoenas […]

Trump Wrong on U.S. Agriculture Exports to China

FAN Moderator

In announcing “phase one” of a tentative trade deal with China, President Donald Trump wrongly stated that the “all-time high” for U.S. agricultural exports to China was “$16 or $17 billion.” Actually, it was nearly $26 billion in 2012. By misstating the record value of exports, Trump also greatly exaggerated […]

Video: FactChecking October Debate Claims

FAN Moderator

In this video, we highlight several claims made by some of the candidates in the Oct.15 Democratic presidential debate: Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro wrongly claimed that the “latest jobs data” show that “Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania … have lost jobs.” All three states saw job growth […]

FactChecking the October Democratic Debate

FAN Moderator

Summary We found several false and misleading claims in the October Democratic presidential debate: Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro claimed that the most recent jobs data show that “Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania … have lost jobs not gained them.” In fact, total nonfarm employment in all three […]

The Democratic Letter to Ukraine

FAN Moderator

In May 2018, three Democratic senators wrote to the Ukrainian prosecutor general, asking about a news report that he had frozen four Ukrainian investigations involving Paul Manafort to avoid angering President Donald Trump. Republicans have called the letter a “threat” to withhold support for aid to Ukraine, saying it’s similar […]

A Discussion of Digital Campaign Ads and 2020

FAN Moderator Director Eugene Kiely appeared Oct. 11 on “Politics with Amy Walter,” a podcast produced by Public Radio International and WNYC. Walter, a veteran political journalist, and Kiely discuss fact-checking campaign ads in the 2020 campaign cycle, and what viewers can do to combat the flood of misinformation on the […]