Not ‘Twitter Intel’

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National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien dismissed as “Twitter intel” the suggestion that more than 100 captured Islamic State fighters escaped from prisons in Syria amid fighting between Turkish soldiers and Syrian Kurds. But that was a figure provided by the secretary of defense and a top official in the State […]

Trump’s False Claim about Syrian ‘Safe Zone’

FAN Moderator

In explaining his decision to pull U.S. forces from northern Syria and allow Turkey to set up a “safe zone” in Syria, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that Turkey has lost “thousands and thousands of people from that safe zone.” “This is entirely fictional,” Asli Aydıntaşbaş, a senior policy fellow […]

Dubious Posts Tie Political Families to Ukraine Work

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Quick Take There’s no evidence for social media claims that the children of Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney and John Kerry are working for “Ukrainian gas companies” or sitting “on the board of directors for energy companies doing business in Ukraine.” Full Story  It’s correct that former Vice President Joe Biden’s […]

Headlines Spin Ukrainian Donations to Clinton Charity

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Quick Take Viral headlines wrongly suggest that the Ukrainian government gave more money than any other country to the Clinton Foundation. But the 2015 news report cited does not support that. Full Story  Misleading headlines spread across social media in recent weeks leave the wrong impression about foreign donations to […]

Trump’s Spin on AIDS Epidemic

FAN Moderator

In his campaign rally speeches, President Donald Trump often boasts of his administration’s plan to end the AIDS epidemic in the U.S. in 10 years. It’s true he has proposed funding for that initiative, but he’s wrong to say “the previous administration spent no money” on such efforts. In fact, […]

Sanders Misleads on Family Health Care Costs

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Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to make the misleading claim that “the average family of four spends $28,000 a year on health care.” That’s the projected average cost for employer-sponsored health insurance for “typical” families of that size, but the employee paid about 44% of that total amount in 2018, while […]

Mulvaney’s Spin on Ukraine Aid

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White House Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney engaged in some serious political spin when he tried to deny what he said in a televised press conference: that the White House withheld security aid to Ukraine, in part, because the administration wanted Ukraine to investigate Democrats and the 2016 election. […]

Trump’s Error-filled Cabinet Meeting

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For more than an hour, President Donald Trump presided over a cabinet meeting, reeling off numerous false or misleading claims: Trump claimed, without evidence, that President Barack Obama tried to call North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “11 times” but that “the man on the other side … did not […]

Video: Trump’s False Subpoena Claim

FAN Moderator

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper takes a look at a claim that President Donald Trump made about subpoenas issued by the House committees for documents and testimony related to the impeachment inquiry. In criticizing the House Democrats for their handling of the impeachment inquiry, Trump said this about former GOP […]