Misleading Meme on First Three Bills by Democrats

FAN Moderator

Quick Take An old Facebook meme from April recently went viral again, wrongly identifying the first three bills introduced by House Democrats in January. The first three Democratic bills did not seek to impeach the president, end the Electoral College or provide “$54 billion in foreign aid.” Full Story A […]

Trump Spins Court Ruling on Trump Foundation

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump downplayed the findings in a case against his namesake charitable foundation, claiming the judge had found only “some small technical violations.” Actually, in a settlement announced this week, the judge ruled that Trump “breached his fiduciary duty” to the Donald J. Trump Foundation in service of his […]

Video: Fact-Checking Trump’s Louisiana Rally

FAN Moderator

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines six claims President Donald Trump made during a campaign rally in Monroe, Louisiana, on Nov. 6. We’ve written about all of these topics before: Trump wrongly claimed that when he released the White House memo on his July 25 phone call […]

Trump Again Misunderstands California’s Wildfires

FAN Moderator

For the second year in a row, President Donald Trump inaccurately attributed California’s rash of wildfires to poor forest management. He also falsely said other states don’t have “close to the level of burn” as California. Most of the Golden State’s latest blazes aren’t in forests, experts explained, and therefore […]

Bogus Warren Quote Ignites Immigration Anger

FAN Moderator

Quick Take Immigration comments by Sen. Elizabeth Warren have been selectively edited in a misleading way and are circulating widely online. Full Story A meme that misleadingly rephrased the words of Sen. Elizabeth Warren — one of 17 candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for president — has been stoking outrage […]

Trump’s Shaky $5,000 Boast

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump is on shaky ground when he claims that annual income for the typical household is up by an inflation-adjusted $5,000 since he took office. That turns out to be based on an erratic series of estimates drawn from a government survey that isn’t even designed to measure […]

Trump Twists Impeachment Polls

FAN Moderator

A number of national polls show more Americans want President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office than those who don’t. In swing states, however, a majority opposes removing Trump from office via impeachment, even as a majority supports moving forward with the impeachment inquiry. Those are the polling statistics […]

Viral Posts Distort Impeachment Inquiry Rules

FAN Moderator

Quick Take Facebook posts purport to outline “the rules” of the House impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, but they distort the facts in doing so. Full Story  The House voted Oct. 31 to approve a resolution further advancing the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, and social media claims […]

Trump Ad Misleads on Illegal Immigration

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign makes the misleading claim in a TV ad that he is “cutting illegal immigration in half.” In fact, apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2019 were more than double the total in fiscal year 2016 and almost triple the total in fiscal year […]

What Does Science Say About the Need for Nuclear?

FAN Moderator

While Sen. Bernie Sanders has said “scientists tell us” that it’s possible to go carbon neutral without relying on nuclear power, fellow Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker, who backs the use of some nuclear energy, has said the data is on his side. Who’s right? Both have a point, […]