Go Back To Sleep Woke Liberals

FAN Moderator

We support George!

Look at us!

Please look at us!

Our lives mean nothing without clicks and likes!

We put up Black Screens and virtue signal while we take our morning “medication” to get through our “stressful” day of mani/pedis and wait for the clock to strike 12:00 so we can partake in our Rose.

Uh huh.

We are woke Liberals. All cops are pigs and all White People are privileged.

Black Lives Matter!

Uh huh.

Where were you for Hadiya Pendleton?



Look at you White Guilt Liberals all attacking your search engines.

Who is Had e ya Pendleton is now trending on Google as the worthless Madonna Mom’s and Privileged Pale Face Lesbians all try to catch up on their Blackness.

It’s pronounced Hadeeja you Liberal bigots!

Hang in there.

It’s almost time for wine for your privileged pain and a piece of gouda for your incessant whine!

You genuflect and support a criminal who had enough fentanyl and methamphetamines in his body to kill a horse but can’t stand up for a teenage girl with a voice that, “Sounded like an angel” with a bright future ahead.

Shut up Lebron you bigoted fool.

Close your hole Brady you privileged punk.

Stay on your knees and keep facing Mecca Kaepernick.

We know what you are Sharia.

Crawl back under your rock George W. Bush and wait for the posse.

Your day will come.

Justice will come for you too Barack.

Taking advantage of Americans and attacking cops you carpet bagging traitor will not be forgotten.

Finally, Liberals, specifically White Liberals carry some responsibility for the abortion of millions of Black babies.

They call this Woke.

It’d be safer for “Black” people if they went back to sleep.

In the meantime Hadiya was still murdered and you still don’t care.

Well played Sharpton.

Well played.

Jason Kraus


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