FactChecking the January Democratic Debate

FAN Moderator

Summary In the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses, there were fewer candidates — only six — but more than a few false, misleading and exaggerated claims: Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that the “wealthy are the only ones doing well, period.” But weekly paychecks for rank-and-file workers […]

Bloomberg, Trump Spar on Preexisting Conditions

FAN Moderator

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg charged in a TV ad that President Donald Trump had “broken” a “promise” to protect those with preexisting health conditions. Trump fired back on Twitter, “I was the person who saved Pre-Existing Conditions.” In fact, Trump backed Republican plans that would have weakened the protections […]

Post Blurs Facts on Military Draft, Immigrants

FAN Moderator

Quick Take A meme falsely claims President Donald Trump “makes illegals eligible” for the draft. There is no military draft, and immigrants — including those in the country illegally — are already required to register with the Selective Service. Full Story  The recent conflict between the U.S. and Iran heightened […]

Video: FactChecking Trump’s Iran Address

FAN Moderator

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines several claims from President Donald Trump’s remarks after an Iranian missile attack on military bases in Iraq housing U.S. coalition forces. Trump distorted the facts when he claimed the Iran nuclear deal that he withdrew from “expires in a short time.” […]

A Misleading Take on Alabama’s Abortion Law

FAN Moderator

Quick Take An Instagram post misleadingly claims a young rape victim can be “thrown in prison” for receiving an abortion in Alabama. Under a new law, which has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge, criminal charges could be brought against doctors who perform abortions, but not women receiving them. […]

Pelosi Did Not ‘Defend’ Soleimani

FAN Moderator

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has criticized President Donald Trump’s decision to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani as “provocative and disproportionate.” But, contrary to the president’s contention, she did not “defend” Soleimani. In fact, we were not able to find any examples of Democrats who have defended or “mourned” the death […]

Trump Takes Undue Credit for Cancer Progress

FAN Moderator

In a tweet, President Donald Trump boasted of the lowest cancer death rate on record, and implied that his administration was responsible for the achievement. While he’s right about the statistic, the improved death rate is the result of decades-long efforts on cancer prevention, detection and treatment. In fact, the […]

Video of Clinton on Iran Taken Out of Context

FAN Moderator

Quick Take An out-of-context clip from a 2008 interview with then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is circulating on Facebook. It shows her saying the U.S. “will attack Iran” if she becomes president. But she was responding to a question about a hypothetical nuclear attack by Iran on Israel. Full Story  As […]

FactChecking Trump’s Iran Address

FAN Moderator

In an address to the nation a day after an Iranian attack on military bases housing U.S. soldiers in Iraq, President Donald Trump made some dubious, misleading and inaccurate claims: Trump distorted the facts when he claimed the Iran nuclear deal that he withdrew from “expires shortly anyway.” The deal, […]