by Daveda Gruber: Border Patrol agents on our southern border not only have to worry about protecting themselves from illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. but also they are getting sick from diseases that the migrants carry. Recently, Ebola was brought into the U.S. by a migrant fleeing the Democratic […]
Border Security
Security starts at home
Decades ago I hired a friend of one of my employees. The corporation I worked for wanted growth and to grow more bodies were needed. The new hire was average at best but again the company wanted growth so I stuck with him. One morning it was brought to my […]
Definition of Insanity
While Obama was lying to us (again) about…(does it really matter what the subject is anymore), we found out Lois Lerner will not be prosecuted, Hillary “probably” broke the law according to a Republican Senator (insert laughter here), and a pizza place in Indiana that has never done catering decided […]