FAN Moderator

Let’s understand how this really works shall we.

The Republican Party doesn’t answer to you, me, or the United States Constitution.

They answer to their donors.

Reince Priebus and his cohorts only exist because they continue to receive money from, presumably, Americans.

Let’s fast forward and for sake of this exercise declare Donald Trump the choice of the Republican voter.

If the Party leaders don’t agree, they can and will remove him, and enter someone else, maybe Jeb Bush in his place.

The Democratic Party is even worse.  They receive billions from willing and unwilling donors (many not Americans, see Clinton Foundation) as well as the public unions as each member is forced to pay dues that are then funneled back to the DNC.

This tiny group decides where that money will be spent all over the nation (or in Obama’s case even in Israel trying to oust Netanyahu).  Dues out of California (because there is no competition in the Golden State) might be used in a tight race in Colorado, or North Carolina, or Florida.

If the Democratic Party doesn’t think Hillary Clinton is electable she can be removed from consideration at any time, whether she likes it or not.

These parties aren’t law enforcement or even law.

Not that it matters as the rule of law is currently in the past.

The Party system isn’t a Constitutional or Representative Republic.

It isn’t even Democracy.

In fact the direct correlation attached when the word Party was used in the 70’s and 80’s was…Communist.

Let’s call it what it is.


A country of over 300 million being controlled by two Parties.  Those parties are controlled by a small group of donors and servants of the donors known as:

House Representatives, Senators, Judges, and Presidents.

All three branches of government controlled by two tiny groups of people.

Okay Jason…sounds depressing and brutal…what is the answer?


Okay Jason…how?

Well now I am glad you inquired.  It’s actually quite easy.

Through the last three years I and many others, while spreading the word of Freedom, have been looking for avenues to correct this absurdity known as debilitating government.

It’s been hard work and taken lots of hours of research but finally a nugget of truth was uncovered.

We are still waiting for the final verbiage to be released in September but according to our research to run for United States Senator in California only two things are necessary.

65, that’s right, Sixty Five signatures of registered voters and a check for a little under $4000.00.

That’s it.

$4000.00 seems like a lot of money Jason.  People are struggling right now.

If the sixty five people who sign all kick in sixty bucks you could choose whomever your group wants and they would be on the ballot in California for the position of United States Senator.

What about the parties?

When you register to vote you have an option to select NO PARTY PREFERENCE.

That will be the name of the Party.  NO PARTY PREFERENCE or NPP.

Who’s down with NPP yeah you know me! ( A little Naughty by Nature reference).

My point?


Number one.

This is easy!  65 people!  Come on America!  I can get 65 signatures from my family and friends alone!

All things are possible through belief and hard work…so believe…and let’s get to WORK!

Number two.

The info about California is covered.  That leaves 49 other opportunities!  Do the work in your State and share it to my page.  This can all be done through the internet and telephone.

Each State may be a little different and have some quirks.

Figure it out.

Let’s have an American on every State running for something this year under No Party Preference or NPP.

No more Republicans,Democrats, Libertarians, etc.

We want AMERICANS!!!

Let’s replace Party with three letters NPP or also known as U.S.A.

America first!

American only.

Shoulder to shoulder.

ONE voice at a time.

Jason Kraus


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