News? Not Really

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I rarely watch the news anymore, local or otherwise.

The local news is filled, and has been for years, with robbery, rape and murder, interspersed with commercials related to diabetes, erections or lack thereof, weight loss and “vaccinations”.

My guess is most people don’t bother anymore, and according to reports, millions of Americans no longer tune in to cable news either.

This phenomenon has tentacled into sports as well where athletics and the watching of such events has also dramatically fallen.

Some would point to other options such as Netflix but Netflix and the like are also down on views.

Phones are everywhere and available with this content but humans are starting to say not interested.

Pray tell what could have brought this on?

Could it be the overt bigotry we see everyday on every viewing asset?

Could it be the constant anti-American hatred spewing 24/7?

Could it be the overwhelming lies coupling with the ignorance of facts and truth?

Yes, yes and yes.

One simple example that happened recently can be used to provide an explanation.

A group of “Moors” decided to get together and drive through Massachusetts. The group was dressed reportedly in heavy camo with body cameras, helmets, and rifles slung, begging for attention while pumping gas.

A State Trooper initiated an investigation whereby the trooper was told the Moors didn’t “recognize” American laws and then fled into the woods.

Hours later they were all locked up getting their pictures taken by the “law” they didn’t recognize.

I have no doubt most of them, if not all, are very familiar with probation and/or parole, taking the 5th, and a public defender.

A stand off in the middle of Massachusetts that had the locals locked down should have brought nationwide attention and would still be getting CNN and MSNBS primetime play IF those sitting in the cells carrying “assault weapons” were white but the media looked the other way because the “Moors” are black.

The Moors were lucky the white privileged trooper happened by.

Between the amount of dope, and the amount of dopes in their vehicles, the odds of one or more being “gangstad” in the woods was pretty good.

This also would have been ignored by the media just like they do everyday in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc. and blamed on the white man because, well, 1619 homeboy, 1619.

I digress.

The media has continued to push the narrative that blacks hate America and there’s just enough Lebron’s out there on Twitter to lend credibility to this “theory” as for those who seek hate, hate is easy to find.

Americans of all colors have had enough and as stated earlier have turned off the noise in their lives.

The media is beginning to realize this and is trying to switch gears with the Olympics and “rally round the flag” while they and their traitorous athletic counterparts continue to spit all over America.

Because of this We the People’s response has been a bit different than in the past.

When the female soccer team (all but three) took another knee, and was subsequently trounced in their first game, Americans who love our flag CHEERED.

When the men’s basketball team struggled in their Olympic warmups those who would die for our country ROARED.

The media?

Somehow tried to blame the entire debacle on the mask less and unvaccinated.

Sadly the liberals and their oppressive sites have created such an Alice in Wonderland situation the few who are still watching cannot figure out why Rachel Maddow dyed her hair purple and is now playing on the anti-American Women’s Soccer Team.

Jokes aside, as the liberals are no laughing matter, I recently heard a song that played on the radio by a country singer named Creed Fisher.

I’ll just leave some of the lyrics right here.

“You don’t like our traditions
You say we done you wrong
Why don’t you pack up your bags
And take your ass back home
This is my home, but son I’m mad as hell
And son I think whopin’ your ass is worth a few nights in jail”

It’s not neck stretching but it’s a start.

Jason Kraus

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