Dowd, Axelrod, and Obama

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Interesting excerpts from a book written by another of Barack Obama’s “friends” (David Axelrod) are being released. Very few show him in a flattering manner.

Friends like these…it makes one wonder.

Poor choices by Obama or rats leaving the ship as fast as they can, trying to get out in front of the reality of an “economy” based on leveraged debt and borrowed time.

Apparently Mr. Obama doesn’t like Maureen Dowd. I don’t regularly read columns by Maureen (although her story about eating a pot candy bar and its effects on her should be a warning to all who partake in the green leafy substance).

In general if I want a repeat of the Obama talking points I turn to NBC and Brian Williams (or whomever his replacement will be) before the New York Times.

I find it easier to listen to liars repeat the lies of other liars in 30 second sound bites rather than double entendres or excuses about context.

But that’s just me. A simple man. What can I say? I require truth. Usually truth happens in coherent sentences that a nine year old can understand regardless of content.

But in the course of human events we seem to have strayed from the truth. Not that most of us believe the lies. We don’t.

Even most of Obama’s supporters when pinned down will admit they know he lies. They aren’t supporting him because he’s made the country better.

He hasn’t and most of us know this.

They support him because they feel he understands their plight. They feel he “gets them”…and as I explained in depth yesterday we are right back to belongingness.

Now many of you reading this right now are angry. “How is it Americans can still support someone who lies to us?”

It doesn’t seem logical. It isn’t. It doesn’t seem right. It’s not. It doesn’t seem productive. It never will be.

But because of the horrendous actions of both political machines we find ourselves weighed down with crushing debt and a genuine and righteous disgust from all Americans towards politicians.

With each election cycle our collective concerns rise and we keep flailing wildly choosing the “lesser” of two evils. Just as liars lie, evil is evil. Easy to understand. Self-explanatory.

Or we try something different. Yes I know different can be scary but in this case different will be dramatically better. Both parties have proven they will not stop borrowing. Both parties have proven they will not close the border. Both parties have proven they know nothing about actual health or behavior of human beings.

If that wasn’t bad enough both parties have proven their “patriotism” by attaching little flags to lapels and taking incredible vacations while OUR soldiers are being ordered to live and fight for their lives in foreign lands.

I am disgusted by many things but these politicians, from Obama down, who continue to vacation while the bravest of the brave put it on the line everyday is something I will never forgive. While these parasites are eating ice cream in Hawaii military veterans die in America because they cannot get care.

Earned Care!

Truly pathetic, void of all compassion, and definitely not leadership.

To every American reading this now. I don’t care who you voted for in the past. It’s over. We’ve all made mistakes. We know now all of these options were terrible.

This is why I am here. To show a new way. A better path. If this column is the first time you’ve heard of me please come to my website, All of my writings and videos are there for you to see for free.

When you realize we do have a better option and want more information please read my book Late Bird. I wrote it for us.

We have a network of volunteers forming around the nation. Currently we are gathering facts to ascertain exactly what needs to be done to enter in the 2016 Independent Party Primary for the elected position of President.

For those of you who’ve read the book I am quite sure you are smiling.

One step, one voice, one day at at time.

We stay focused on the mission. The mission to serve our great country.

Secure the border, abolish all forms of income tax, serve one term, no campaign contributions, no salary.

Service to the people.

Service to you.

Service to America.

Jason Kraus

“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus
Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

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