The “last” housing bubble to occur, before this next one bursts, was lead by two putrid politicians. Waitress groping Senator Chris Dodd and Congressman/Protector of a prostitution ring Barney Frank. The pair are intellectually and morally lacking, which at this time should be a given of comprehension, as both are […]
Free America Network
Escape the Belly of the Beast
Decades ago I worked as a Sheriff’s Deputy in a California County. As this story is covered in depth in Late Bird I will summarize. I was the Deputy Sheriff’s Association Vice-President during an election year for the County Sheriff position. The current Sheriff thought I supported the other candidate, […]
Three White Bigots
Today’s media and federal government mouthpieces, elected or otherwise, have decided the only thing more important than sex is. . .skin color. Specifically “white” skin. Of course this is bigotry but that doesn’t seem to matter to the “science is real, climate change is the primary reason for criminality” crowd. […]
As I pondered this week’s column an article about “Dr.” Jill Biden crossed my path. She was attempting to explain why she felt she should be recognized as Dr. Biden due to her EdD. The EdD reminded me of a television show I enjoyed as a child called Mister Ed […]
Hello God, It’s Me Jason
In the impertinence of my youth there were times when I either (a) challenged God or (b) asked the Big Fella Upstairs for help under the premise that I would never ask again. Ah youth, wasted on the young. For those of you who’ve read Late Bird one of those […]
You Can Have My Guns. . .One Round At A Time
In today’s world most not only seem to have an opinion that they feel must be opined, they also believe their opinion(s) are true. I’ve heard Biden voters say Groper Joe is going to bring the country together. This is never going to happen. The day I stand and support […]
Let Not Fear Dictate Your Outcome
Whether it is the Clintons, Cuomos, Newsom or Biden/Harris the drone of sexual deviancy pushes forward as the #MeToo misogynists matriculate where needed and feign aghast when required. The new tool in the arsenal of the diseased, is to state that they are on the “right side of history” and […]
DisneyLand: The Ultimate Green Zone
The current platform of the Democratic Party is as follows. Bigotry, Stupidity, and Sexual Assault otherwise known as the new boss, same as the old boss. The only things Andrew Cuomo has to do to be the next Democratic Presidential nominee is hold tight, refuse to resign just like black […]
What’s Your Sign
Recently I ran across a sign posted in the yard of a house in a nearby town. The sign had a few things listed and interestingly enough color coated. One statement printed in white on a dark background was Black Lives Matter. It was pretty clear this was caucasian privilege […]
Stop Voting For Democrats
Liberals are truly amazing creatures as they continue to behave in the same fashion yet expect a different response. When one puts stupid humans in charge horrible decisions will be made. Governors in both California and New York are supposedly on the political ropes due to Covid deaths, sexual harassment/molestation, […]