Schiff Alleges Trump’s Policy Threatens National Security

Daveda Gruber

by DavedaGruber: On Friday the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, D-Calif., adamantly criticized the Trump administration for dangerously politicizing the Intelligence Community. Schiff is requesting that the IC agencies provide more information about the president’s order which would allow them to declassify information related to the Russian […]

What Did Bernie Say is a Constitutional Right?

Daveda Gruber

by Daveda Gruber: When it comes to the Constitution, I stand by the document one hundred percent. Senator Bernie Sanders, the Democrat 2020 Presidential runner from Vermont, insists that he stands by abortion being a  “constitutional right.” On Wednesday Sanders made the statement as an seeming comeback to the virtual […]

Nadler Leading the Pack Against Barr but Holder Contempt Vote was Shameful?

Daveda Gruber

by Daveda Gruber: On Wednesday House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., led his pack of Democrats to hold Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress. The contempt charge has been led by Nadler and has Barr allegedly accused for not handing over documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s […]

Is Christopher Wray Splitting Hairs with William Barr?

Daveda Gruber

by Daveda Gruber: On Tuesday FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to Congress. Wray disagreed with Attorney General William Barr and applied a different term than Barr who used the word “spying.” When asked if FBI agents engage in “spying” when they follow FBI policies and procedures, Wray told lawmakers on […]