This chart shows market is due for a 5% slide

FAN Editor

The stock market’s run of low volatility may be coming to an end. That’s according to the historical trends seen in some market charts tracing the S&P 500 back to 1950. There appears to be a natural pattern of how long the market can go without a big move. The […]

UK railway pension fund investing millions in music

FAN Editor

Of the many alternative investments outside stocks and bonds that pension funds can buy, a few are putting retirement money into music copyrights. RPMI Railpen, the manager of one of the largest and oldest UK pension funds, is leading a $345 million investment in a fund rolled out Monday by […]

Bitcoin is giving this stock a huge boost

FAN Editor

Bitcoin has defied gravity this year, and it’s taken one retail stock along with it. Shares of are on pace for their best year since 2004, largely due to the growing interest in cryptocurrencies, but some market participants are wary of the stock continuing its run. In January 2014, […]