Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom and all the wonderful American mothers across these United States.
Now that the important item is complete let’s get to the rest of it.
I love Progressivism.
I love Progressivism like a kick to the groin or kidney stones.
Progressives are similar to ticks.
No plan in sight, just jumping from one host to another slowly sapping their strength, and if left to their own devices, will kill the host they so badly need to survive.
Maybe a better comparison would be the one celled amoeba, with of course my apologies, to the amoeba.
They shift and morph into different shapes and sizes.
Referencing shapes, Jerry Nadler strikingly resembles Humpty Dumpty. With too many in the population unable to pull up their pants, it appears Jerrold is doing his best to even the score.
Nancy Pelosi looks like death warmed over, but both of them want to tell the rest of us what kind of health care we should have.
That’s like asking Gavin Newsom how to remain sober, faithful, or tell the truth.
Speaking of telling the truth James Yes Hillary Was Guilty and Yes I Covered it up Comey stated that, “You can’t have a president who is a chronic liar. ”
Au contraire mon frère.
Clinton, Bush, and Obama were and are still chronic liars and of course Homey the Clown Comey knows this as he has been the Fixer in many of their situations/crimes.
To those in the know these three are referred to a distinction without a difference.
I digress.
According to Aunt Nancy we are now having a Constitutional Crisis.
This is hilarious coming from a Democrat.
Democrats referring to the Constitution is similar to Bernie Sanders talking about the protection of women, Elizabeth Warren discussing “native” facial structure, Beto O’Rourke and after school child care, or AOC bumping her gums about “like” anything.
These people aren’t just rotten to the core.
They are stupid without a bottom.
There is no floor to their insecurity, imbecility, or ineptitude.
This is Progressivism at its finest.
Talking about one of the greatest written documents in the history of Man and getting it all wrong!
There is no crisis. There is no Democracy.
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Let me try it in the simplest of ways.
According to the USA Today, California politicians have voted to keep Donald Trump’s name off of the 2020 Presidential Ballot if he doesn’t release his tax returns.
Now I know the Dims haven’t read the Constitution but the “releasing of tax returns” isn’t a prerequisite to running for President.
Still they continue to ramble and have moved from Collusion to Obstruction to a Constitutional Crisis.
By attempting to keep an American Citizen off the ballot in any State, specifically the one with the largest population, a court battle will indeed ensue.
With that said this attempt could be construed as Secession, and although Secession isn’t directly found in the Constitution, another term is.
“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
The Democrats and RINOS have been adhering to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort for decades.
Tens of million of illegal foreign nationals are running all over America, in many cases murdering our citizenry.
What do the Democrats do?
Sneak them out the back of our courthouses, increase their EBT cards, or pile so many of them in one area a Somali, a “Palestinian,” and La Raza are now found in the House of Representatives.
Obama was so blatant with his support of Hamas and Hezbollah he didn’t even try to hide a helicopter drop of cash to Iran.
Roseanne might be a crass ass but she wasn’t incorrect about Valerie Jarrett’s connections to the world’s leading State sponsor of Islamic Terrorism.
Nancy Pelosi and her fellow idiots are one hundred percent wrong.
There is nothing wrong with the Constitution nor is it in any peril.
Keeping Donald Trump off the ballot in California is a completely different thing.
There’s nothing Constitutional about it but I can guarantee if that happens there will be a crisis.
For the Democrats.
Jason Kraus