Rope Is Recyclable

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It can be a truly bizarre thing to watch human behavior.  Millions of souls making decisions that go against their very survival.

How do we change the “hearts and minds” of those who haven’t any heart and absolutely no mind?

It is the curse of the “good” to have to wait to be attacked before “justification” allows the moral to defend itself against the criminal.

Left unto herself Justice is supposed to be blind but in today’s America she now carries the burden of deaf and dumb as well.

To be sure I am quite unsure if justice has actually ever prevailed.

Human history supports the concept that it has not.

To have her in our lives many have had to suffer unprovoked attacks that left the victim in pain and in many cases dead.

No amount of time or restitution will ever make that person whole.

A common and correct statement is to “never allow oneself to ever need an attorney or be in front of a judge.”

It seems quite fitting as this is where “justice” lies.

Again whether justice has ever existed is doubtful but of this I am sure.

She no longer lives amongst us and yet the scream for her presence can be heard and felt in all walks of life.

This will continue to occur because we are lead by the immoral, the unethical, and the stupid.

We are lead by physical cowards and intellectual drunkards who care not about knowledge or safety.

They are driven by their infantilistic Freudian desires and continue to teach our children that egocentrism, gluttony, greed, and promiscuity are positives.

Our leadership is emotionally, financially, and spiritually destitute and have lead us into a shallow grave as they were too lazy to dig a proper place to rest.

The grave shall be theirs.

Around the world leadership has been more of the same.

Venezuelans are reportedly eating rodents to survive.

Mexico has a war happening inside its borders and within ours.

Some form of Castro continues to control Cuba.

Puerto Rico is bankrupt.

Italy still has the mafia and the Pope.

France has elected another buffoon and La Raza controls many parts of California.

It appears the romance languages aren’t providing too much love these days.

Over the last few years many have wondered what must happen for Americans to awaken from the slumber of overindulgence.

From indebtedness.

From the culture of Oppression.

What would a revolution look like?

Who would make the call?

Would others answer?

I state this as an American.

We do not need a revolution.

We need a cleansing.

A very public one.

Maybe on the steps of our House or our Senate.

A cleansing where justice is no longer our measurement, as it is no longer measurable or relevant, and is replaced by retribution.

Then again a cleansing implies the cleaning of material.  A purification of sorts.  For something to be cleaned it must have a core worth saving.

Liberalism has nothing that is salvageable or worth saving as Liberals have no core.

A purge is needed.

That purge could certainly start with the cowardly leaker known as James Comey but it cannot stop there.

In fact American Liberty cannot survive until traitors are illuminated by our torches, proverbially impaled by our pitchforks or literally hung with our rope.

It may not happen tomorrow or even in a year but human history is very clear.

Freedom isn’t free.

This may seem scary to some or unbelievable to others.

What is unbelievable is the Democratic Party still pushing Sharia Law onto Americans through diversity.

What is unbelievable is the dissection, removal, and sale of body parts of small humans that continues everyday.

What is unbelievable is women and children still being molested, raped, and murdered through our open border that Congress will not close.

Rope is recyclable and as we are told recyclables will save the planet.

According to the “experts” the climate can’t wait too much longer.

Let the “change” begin.

Jason Kraus

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Thank you Dad

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