The Melting of the Snowflake

FAN Moderator

Russia! Russia! Russia! When did the Democratic Party become Jan Brady? Then again being a fictitious middle sister is dramatically better than factually being a part of La Raza, CAIR, BLM, or the Nation of Islam. The same Nation of Islam that called for the killing of all White People. […]

America. Where I come from.

FAN Moderator

Leaders don’t lead from the back or check the wind and adjust to which way they think it is blowing. Leaders lead. It is understandable that some in America aren’t sure anymore what ethical leadership looks like. After twenty-four years of Clinton, Bush, Obama, the appearance of “leadership” hasn’t been […]

The Death Spiral known as the Democratic Party

FAN Moderator

Recently an article hit the internet proclaiming the life span of some Americans to be growing shorter. Eight years of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid cocktail coupled with a Ryan/McConnell chaser can do that to a person. Of course it is easy to take shots at evil and cowardice. What isn’t easy is […]

Freedom is up to you.

FAN Moderator

As this Presidential cycle comes to fruition I’ve heard and read ideas that have provoked thought, others that have been covered in pure ridiculousness and finally the rantings of disgustingly outright dishonesty. Sordid affairs, criminal collusion and the ignorance that allows this part of human behavior to occur, has been […]

Baseball is a white man’s game

FAN Moderator

Recently a black major league baseball player commented that “baseball is a white man’s game,” when asked why NFL players were having “protests” (in others words cowardly acts of stupidity) and MLB players were not. “Baseball is a white man’s game,” said the millionaire black baseball player who probably thinks […]

The Five Phases of Trump

FAN Moderator

Each week I gather as much information as I can pertaining to the happenings in the World. As this takes place ideas or subjects jump out at me that I feel are important to expand upon. This week has been truly bizarre. Seemingly everyday Wikileaks is releasing past Clinton criminality […]

Ignorance will never be blissful

FAN Moderator

Last week a conversation took place of which I became privy. One individual (let’s call her a cross between Margaret and Marilyn, Thatcher and Monroe) was patiently trying to explain to another individual (let’s call her a combo between Bernie Sanders and nataS) why, despite the ignorance of the media and […]

Enough is Enough

FAN Moderator

I was in my early thirties and playing in a rec basketball league.  I like movement, quick cuts, lots of shots, and a clean game. Of course if you bang me around I’m coming back at you twice as hard. (I knew a guy who always played fair until the […]

Trump’s one big problem

FAN Moderator

Let’s just get down to it. If Donald Trump is elected his biggest issue won’t be “building the wall”. That is basic construction, furthermore, America put a man on the moon. We can build a wall. His largest problem won’t be deporting tens of millions of humans here illegally. By […]