Social Media Posts Misrepresent Kamala Harris Error

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Quick Take While announcing an investment in clean energy programs, Vice President Kamala Harris mistakenly said “reduce population” when she meant “reduce pollution.” Online posts shared a video of the gaffe and misleadingly claimed “her goal is to reduce population to fight climate change.” The transcript of her remarks shows […]

The Twitter Debate About Biden’s Wages Claim

FAN Moderator

A reader’s note temporarily attached by Twitter to a claim by President Joe Biden — that “real wages for the average American worker is higher than it was before the pandemic” — said that statement “contains a factual error.” But it turns out it doesn’t. The fact check from Twitter’s […]

Trump Appointed Weiss with Democrats’ Blessing

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Democrats’ response to Republican claims that Hunter Biden got a “sweetheart deal” has been to note that former President Donald Trump appointed U.S. Attorney David Weiss – the prosecutor who allowed Biden to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax charges and enter a pretrial diversion program on a gun charge. Trump […]