We need a bigger basket

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Sadly we keep hearing the same two things over and over from the politicians, radio talk show squawkers, television talking heads and of course the incredible intelligentsia known as the American Media.

(1) America is a Democracy.

(2) Taking a knee or saying something stupid is a Constitutional Right.

No and NO.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic.  Don’t take my word for it.

Look it up.

Of course many, who believe this to not be true won’t, so I will simplify.

We have a Constitution.  Maybe you’ve heard of it.  It’s that thing many scream about when you feel one bathroom isn’t enough or somebody just hit you with a micro aggression.

For the record “micro aggressions” have been around for a while.

We call it whining.

Furthermore each State (we have 50 of them Barry) via Article 4 Section 4, is required to have a Republican form of government.


I can hear the Liberals heads popping like the swollen ticks that they are, as the truth squeezes them into an uncomfortable place that those of us who work hard, save our money and are beneficial to others like to call…reality.

Oh Jason you know nothing.

Of course I don’t.

You’re right as always Lucy Liberal.

By the way I love what you’ve done with the place!

Record highs on Food Stamps, probably over 100 million not in the workforce, violent crime rising in virtually every major city in America and historic debt piling up, while human trafficking soars.

Gang banging thugs are killing blacks, whites, browns, and cops everyday.

Look out Progressives.  “Dog whistles” galore.

I thought Bush was a train wreck but then came Obama.

Putting a Community Organizer in charge of our nation has been great!

Well done!

America is looking more and more like Chicago everyday!

Failing schools, murder rates soaring, lying politicians, striking unions, and soon to be bankrupt cities begging for a bailout.

Emanuel Obama strikes again!

While this is all increasingly getting worse your new criminal, err candidate, says you guys want to give us “four more years” of the same.

Well slap my backside and call me “uneducated” but us Deplorables, would rather have a BILLIONAIRE take a shot, than continue with those who go begging on their knees to millionaires and billionaires, bowing to Kings, flying around with pedophiles and fomenting terrorism with our own money.

In fact we’d like to invite all of you Obama and Shiite supporters to visit Iran.

Upon your arrival please remember “real American leaders do not negotiate with terrorists”.

Hopefully you will have taken Streisand, Dunham, and a Kaepernick with you. I’m sure they will all love living under Sharia.

There, Colon can use both knees while he kisses the ground.

Good luck with your “humor” Lena.  I doubt the Shiite will find you funny.  We may have found something I can agree on with Iran.

Oh and dear dear Barbara.  The Muslims are going to LOVE you.

I digress.

It truly is stunning to listen to a wide variety of Americans, even Republicans, say something like “well that is Democracy for ya.”

Well if we are a Democracy then why are you calling yourselves Republicans?

Bueller?  Bueller?  Anyone? Anyone?

In conclusion please say it with me silly Liberals.

We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.  Protection of the rights of the Individual through the rule of law.

You’d best learn quickly to stop tearing it down.

It is the only thing protecting you.

Moving on to Item (2)

Taking a knee or saying something stupid is not and has never been a “Constitutional Right”.

It’s called Free Will.

Freedom of Speech has nothing to do with being a bona fide moron.  It has nothing to do with the NFL or any other private entity.

The 1st Amendment protects (among other things) our right to speak truth to power freely without fear of persecution or prosecution from any form of GOVERNMENT.

Of course in this day and age both fear of persecution and prosecution are very real if you don’t agree with the Obama Administration.

Not convinced?

Why did Lois Lerner (IRS) admit her crime (targeting American Citizens), apologize and then take the 5th?

Quiet down Polly Progressive.

The “Deplorables”  (Adults) are talking now.

Let us switch gears and focus on Free Will.  Free Will and Freedom are two dramatically different things.

Target or Tarjay decided a while ago to get involved in the “he go, she go, we go” bathroom episode.

So many jokes here.

Apparently millions of Americans didn’t like this and Tarjay’s sales numbers were off dramatically in their last reporting.

Coincidentally a recent article discussed how WalMart was back on track taking share away from its competitors.

Now I have no idea what WalMart’s lavatory situation is (and I don’t want to know) and I am guessing millions of Americans don’t either.

I guess WalMart decided they’d just focus on what ol Sam founded the business on.

Cheap prices.

Not his and hers toilet seat covers.

Then again I’m sure WalMart sent some money to Hillary too.

Maybe someone should tell the AFL/CIO.

Speaking of a place that needs “organizing” The CEO of Starbucks decided he wanted to join the America bashing too.

Howard Schultz proclaimed that if you have conservative values (you know he’s upset he didn’t use deplorable first) Starbucks doesn’t want your money.

I’m sure the stockholders loved that one.

Starbucks fascinates me and is the perfect example of why too many Americans won’t have any money as they age.  It is also an example of inflation and probably price gouging but hey as long as everybody is cranked up on caffeine and 500 different flavorings “it’s all good bro”.

You know it home slice.  Ax me no questions I’s tells youse no lies.

Then again maybe you should tell that to your kidneys, liver and your heart while you swallow your Type-Two diabetes medications.

“Just sayin.”

By the way I abhor that “sayin”.

If you are going to say something stand behind it.  Don’t weasel out with “just sayin.”

Let us refocus.

I know multiple people who consume Starbucks items almost daily that no longer open their wallets.

I’m sure Peet’s and Dutch Bros are gaining ground out here in California and I’ll bet Dunkin Donuts is doing well on the East Coast.

I myself have purchased many gift cards for others over the years from Starbucks.

Not anymore Schultz, and I’m not even a Conservative.


Maybe you’ve heard of us.  We make up the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, Fire, and the Private Sector that funds the world’s largest economy.

Yea the one that has created so much wealth you can charge five bucks for a cup of joe and enough sugar to put a horse into a coma.

While you run around  supporting Obamacare your products are causing more citizens to die from heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.

No I don’t want six pumps of chocolate in my mocha.  My health insurance premiums are already too high, but hey, great job!

As Pocahontas would say “you sure did build it.”

Can I get a defibrillator with my pumpkin spice latte Howie?

How about a body bag for all the Citizens your product is killing through obesity related diseases?  Maybe you should have a chat with your Progressive partner Bloomberg.  I’m sure he’d love to put a size limit on your ability to sling legal crack.

Of course he would.

Mikey likes it!

Listen up you two clowns.

Starbucks products kill more Americans than guns ever will yet we don’t need to outlaw guns, coffee or sugar.

We need to outlaw the narcissism, greed and ego-centrism known as the Liberal.

Fortunately we are a Constitutional Republic.

We are legally protected from the days of having to kneel to putrid souls like yourselves, but even if we weren’t, Free Will would keep us from it.

At least those of us in the basket.

Jason Kraus




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