Five Minutes

FAN Moderator

Dear Jason,

Can you explain what is going on right now?


In less than five minutes?

I’ll try.

Human behavior is predicated upon our needs being met (Maslow).

When our primary needs, Water, Food, Shelter, and Security are met (even poorly) without the Individual having to do anything, all of our energy (calories in, calories out) is focused on meeting our need to Belong.

This is a recipe for disaster, especially in today’s “Tech” society, as to be productive our energy must be spent EARNING our primary needs, otherwise we don’t value them and eventually take them for granted.

With the understanding of the power of fossil fuels, the invention of electricity, and the internet, most humans, at least in the United States, no longer have to physically exhaust their bodies to provide.

We now go to the gym for that. . .or at least we used to.

Furthermore the creation and approval of debt has allowed people, and America, to live so far beyond their means the worst of human behavior has been rewarded.

Greed, gluttony, and so many perversions of humanity that one only needs to point to Hollywood and the Media for its acceptance of all forms of abuse, as the poster children for societal breakdown.

When too many start Living for the Now or YOLO (You Only Live Once) the strength of delayed gratification, also known as Maturity, is lost.

This degrades and eventually deletes any desire for humans to Work Hard, Save Their Money, and Be Beneficial To Others.

When the lawless outnumber the lawful societies collapse.

We are seeing this now.

Lies are accepted as Truth, even when they are blatantly and knowingly false.

Misery does indeed love company.

There are only two cultures in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

Freedom is an understanding of Free Will and the knowledge that life is an Individual experience.

Oppression is ignoring Free Will as Truth and willingly succumbing to the masses, to group think.

Free minds take information in, assess, and then either accept or discard based on reality.

Oppressed minds accept the last statement made to them, as long as it agrees with their self-created fantasy and many times fanatical lives.

For example we are being told that Joe Biden received more votes than both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when he couldn’t beat either of them in the past.

Free minds know this isn’t true.

Oppressed minds don’t care because it meets their immediate needs to belong.

This is why we see so many people wearing masks even when we know they are worthless and even harmful.

If the RONA is so deadly why are all the rioters still alive?

Why are the homeless camps growing?

We even see individuals in cars BY THEMSELVES wearing masks.

These souls are so lonely they want strangers to know they are “part of the gang” as they genuflect their unhappiness into and onto the world.

Succinctly put too many today have no purpose in life and turn to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and even the molestation of others, as abusing themselves isn’t painful enough, as they are truly deceased inside, simply passing time until their death.

Welcome to 2020 where American creativity and ingenuity has far surpassed the capacity of the average human in all facets of life.

America has actually been too good and is now being devoured by those who know they do not belong.

Instead of pursuing excellence they cling to the false promise of shared wealth and equal outcomes.

This mantra has infected our systems, all of them, and is now eating away at our prosperity and freedom.

Once a parasite sets into a limb or section of our bodies it must be removed.

Gangrene will continue to eat healthy flesh until it no longer exists.

That’s what is happening now.

The only question left is how close are you willing to let the gangrene get to your heart?

Right now everyone is looking for someone to blame.

That’s not how life works.

Reach down deep inside and then find a mirror.

There’s our problem and our solution.

Fight or Flight.

Right back to the survival of the animal known as Human.

My fives minutes has expired but before I go I will say for the record this country is not a Democracy and God has done enough.

The rest is up to the Individual.

The rest is up to you.

Those of you who love this country will feel me shoulder to shoulder with you at the front, wherever and whenever that may occur.

For those of you who don’t, I will see the whites of your eyes, and sadly for you, you will see mine.

Jason Kraus

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