Liberal Lunacy

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Liberals are truly amazing animals.

They appear to be the only organism ever in existence to create their own problems and then complain when those exact problems cause them harm.

They are classic stunted deuterostomes as they never seemed to have evolved from excreting fecal matter.

Speaking of a steaming pile Juicy Smollett screamed racism, sexism and every other ism possible while paying two criminals to stage his faux beating.

This might be the first time in Progressive history that a job was created in the private sector.

The smart move would have been to hire “Krackers” but Juicy hates white people so much he couldn’t bear the idea.

Of course he used foreign nationals so as usual the Democrats screwed the hard working American citizen.

Orenthal Jussey had his day in court, and after lying profusely on the stand, was found guilty of five out of six charges.

He will now be given community service, that he will never serve, receive a million dollar book deal, have a quick luncheon with Obama and Farrakhan and then prepare for his new role as the next Mayor of Chicago.

I’m sure Walgreens, Black Lives Clatter and LeBron can’t wait.

While Jussie was held accountable (insert laugh track here) Joe Biden continued to threaten members of the military with discharge for those unwilling to be poisoned. . .err. . .jabbed (hat tip to James Kong).

The Judicial Branch has thwarted, in this area, every “mandate” so far but it appears the Brandon Administration is going to attempt to kick thousands of Americans in the military out, right as the Chinese are flexing, the Russians continue to attempt to strangle parts of Europe (with help from Angela) and our Southern Border is beyond Swiss cheese.

Jen Psycho Psaki’s response?

Let’s talk oil prices and how President Biden is bringing gas prices down!

This is of course untrue but in the world of Progressives as long as it hurts America who cares because “facts matter”.

Indeed they do.

The facts of their particular matter are these.

Murder rates are up all over the country.

The cost of everything has skyrocketed.

Most Omicron cases have hit the “fully vaccinated”.

Smash and grab robberies are happening every day in Liberal Land and . . . .

Bill Clinton was indeed on the plane of a rapist who still didn’t kill himself.

Jason Kraus

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