By Then They Should be Ready for Twitter

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Quantum Physics or Mechanics is a fascinating concept that I am going to wildly oversimplify by saying it’s one way to state all things are possible including the idea of multidimensional “lives”.

A theory that allows for an infinite number of slightly different experiences from what each of us see as reality according to very “bright minds”.

These bright minds need look no further than today’s Democratic Voter to now easily prove that they are living in a “reality” that even those dropping magic mushrooms or peyote buttons cannot see.

It would be easy to point to too many videos of purple haired, tattooed, nose/lip/face all of the above piercings braying like donkeys spewing unintelligible venom using nonsensical grunts and groans.

Attempting to explain their views only strengthens the proof that infinite may not be a large enough number for the insanity inside the Liberal diseased mind.

Abortion on demand that allows for babies OUTSIDE the womb, otherwise known as born, to be murdered.

Progressives call this “A woman’s right to choose”.

Humans with “black skin” killing other humans with “black skin” while continuing to blame “white humans” or cops in general for “black genocide”.

Dems call this White Privilege.

Screaming that the world is coming to an end due to CO2 levels because of human overconsumption in the United States while allowing tens of thousands of new humans to enter every month and provide them money to help the overconsumption.

AOC supporters call this racism.

A famous physicist named Erwin Schrodinger posed a theory about a cat sealed in a box and the possibilities that existed simultaneously until the box was opened.

As it is a theory for discussion I doubt if Erwin actually did this to a cat but it appears his idea of simultaneous determinism was a little before its time.

Fortunately for us that time has arrived and in the name of “science” I propose we measure the number of new murdered babies, black on black death and CO2 levels AFTER sealing all Liberals in boxes.

Let’s give it ten years.

By then they should be ready for Twitter.

Jason Kraus

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