Nadler Leading the Pack Against Barr but Holder Contempt Vote was Shameful?

Daveda Gruber

by Daveda Gruber: On Wednesday House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., led his pack of Democrats to hold Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress. The contempt charge has been led by Nadler and has Barr allegedly accused for not handing over documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s […]

Mad Maxine Back to Pushing Impeachment?

Daveda Gruber

by Daveda Gruber: Mad Maxine is on the prowl again. The Democrat from California, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, is talking about impeaching President Trump yet again. On Tuesday Waters told the Woman’s National Democratic Club dinner, “Some people say, ‘How dare her (sic) come out and say, ‘Impeach him? She doesn’t know […]