Senate Leadership Fund

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Political leanings: Conservative/Republican Spending target: Unknown The Senate Leadership Fund is a Republican super PAC that was established in 2015 by allies of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The group says its purpose is to “protect and expand the Republican Senate Majority.” Its president and CEO is Steven Law, who served as McConnell’s chief of […]

American Crossroads/Crossroads GPS

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Political leanings: Republican Spending target: Unknown The Crossroads “twins” are affiliated conservative advocacy groups formed in 2010 with the help of two GOP power players: Ed Gillespie, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, and Karl Rove, who served as senior adviser to President George W. Bush. They “encouraged the formation” of […]

American Bridge 21st Century

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Political leanings: Democratic/liberal Spending target: Unknown American Bridge 21st Century is a liberal super PAC that conducts opposition research to aid Democratic candidates and organizations. The group was founded in November 2010 by David Brock, a conservative-turned-liberal activist. After making a name for himself as a self-described “right-wing hit man,” Brock reinvented himself as a liberal […]

America First Policies

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Political leanings: Republican/Pro-President Trump Spending target: Unknown America First Policies is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit devoted to promoting the agenda of President Donald Trump. According to its website, the group’s main goals are repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, overhauling the U.S. tax system, securing the border with Mexico, building […]

Muslim Nurses Not Exempt From Hand Washing

FAN Moderator

Q: Are Muslim nurses excused from washing their hands before medical procedures in Britain? A: No. That is an old misrepresentation that has been circulating online since 2010. FULL ANSWER A false story that started in Britain eight years ago has immigrated to America. In 2010, the website for the […]

Muddying a Trump Loyalty Test

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In Republican primaries where loyalty to President Donald Trump’s agenda is a litmus test for many voters, the approval of a $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill has become a political weapon — no matter how lawmakers voted. Indiana Republican Rep. Todd Rokita voted against the bill, while North Carolina Republican […]

Prosecutor in Cohen Probe Not an ‘Obama Holdover’

FAN Moderator

Q: Is Robert S. Khuzami, the deputy U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, an “Obama holdover”? A: No. Khuzami served under Democratic and Republican administrations, but he left government in 2013. He returned to public service this year when he was hired by the Trump administration. FULL ANSWER […]

There Are No “M.A.G.A. Checks”

FAN Moderator

Q: Can U.S. residents collect “M.A.G.A. Checks”? A: No. A “M.A.G.A. Check” is the invention of a publisher selling an investment guide that makes promises of easy money. FULL ANSWER There is no evidence of any public or private program offering a “M.A.G.A. Check.” But a story posted on a […]

Presidential Approval Numbers

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On April 12 and 13, President Donald Trump’s approval rating, according to the Rasmussen Reports, was 50 percent. At the same point in Barack Obama’s presidency, Obama’s approval rating per Rasmussen was 48 percent and 49 percent. But Trump inaccurately described his poll number as “much higher than President Obama […]

Paul Ryan Misleads on Corporate Tax Revenues

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House Speaker Paul Ryan misleadingly claimed that corporate tax revenues are “still rising,” even though the 2017 tax law cut tax rates. In the first six months of fiscal year 2018, corporate tax receipts have declined by 22.3 percent from a year ago. Revenues are also projected to be less […]