No Evidence of ‘Horrific’ Clinton Video

FAN Moderator

Q: Did a video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin assaulting a young girl surface online? A: No. A story making that claim suggests the New York City Police Department is investigating Clinton and Abedin. That’s false. FULL ANSWER There is no evidence of a video showing former Secretary of […]

Solar Hyperbole?

FAN Moderator

Three weeks after the Trump administration imposed a 30 percent tariff on imported solar energy cells and panels, the president claimed that “a lot of places are opening up” to “make solar panels again.” Two weeks later, he said that “we’re opening up at least five plants,” and by mid-April, […]

Players Guide 2018

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Outside groups spent more than $1.6 billion in the 2016 election on TV ads and other forms of communication that urged the election or defeat of federal candidates, according to the Federal Election Commission. Many of those same groups — and new ones that have formed since — will spend hundreds […]

House Majority PAC

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Democratic Spending target: Unknown The House Majority PAC was founded in April 2011 by Alixandria Lapp, a former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee official. Her husband, Democratic consultant John Lapp, has led advertising campaigns for the PAC. It was one of several super PACs formed by Democrats in response to the heavy spending […]

Senate Majority PAC

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Democratic Spending Target: Unknown The Senate Majority PAC is a super PAC “solely dedicated to building a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate,” its website says. In the 2016 election cycle, the Senate Majority PAC raised over $92.8 million, the fourth most among super PACs, and the second […]

Committee to Defend the President

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Pro-President Trump Spending target: Unknown The Committee to Defend the President was founded as the Stop Hillary PAC in May 2013. The group’s mission changed after the 2016 election, and then it officially changed its name in late January 2017, after Donald Trump took office as president. The pro-Trump […]

Great America PAC

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Republican/Pro-President Trump  Spending target: Unknown  Great America PAC was formed in February 2016 to support Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. As a so-called “Carey committee” — a traditional political action committee and super PAC hybrid — Great America PAC can contribute to a candidate’s campaign committee and make independent […]

Club for Growth Action

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Conservative Spending target: Unknown Club for Growth Action, the super PAC of the conservative Club for Growth, was launched in August 2010. On its website, the organization declares its mission is to “take on any Member of Congress … who fails to uphold basic economic conservative principles … regardless of party.” The group targets some Republican […]

Priorities USA Action

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Democratic/liberal Spending target: At least $50 million  Priorities USA Action, a super PAC, was formed in 2011 by ex-White House staffers Bill Burton and Sean Sweeney to help reelect President Barack Obama in 2012. In 2016, it supported Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, spending more money than any other super PAC. Priorities USA […]

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

FAN Moderator

Political leanings: Pro-business/conservative Spending target: Unknown The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business organization, representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses, and it advocates a pro-business agenda in Washington, D.C. Although the chamber occasionally supports some Democrats, most of the organization’s efforts go toward electing Republicans. […]