U.S. Schools Already Teach Arabic Numerals

FAN Moderator

Q: Has California’s governor ordered public schools to use “ARABIC” numerals? A: No. That claim originated on a website that describes itself as satirical. FULL ANSWER Numbers from zero to nine — 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. — are commonly called Hindu-Arabic numerals. The Hindu-Arabic numeral system was developed about […]

FactChecking Trump’s Tweetstorm

FAN Moderator

Summary President Donald Trump responded to the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe with a flurry of tweets that contained numerous false, misleading or unsubstantiated claims about the Russia investigation led by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III: Trump said the “Mueller probe should never have been started” because there […]

Video: U.S.-Canadian Trade

FAN Moderator

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper and FactCheck.org look at a claim that President Donald Trump has made more than once this month about U.S.-Canadian trade. In a March 5 tweet and a March 10 speech, Trump claimed that the U.S. has a “large” deficit with Canada. It doesn’t. Contrary to […]

Will Trump’s Wall Pay for Itself?

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump cited a contested report from an organization that advocates low immigration to claim that a wall along the southern border will pay for itself, because those stopped from illegally crossing would not be a burden on taxpayers. The report, from the Center for Immigration Studies, relies on […]

A Judge Hasn’t Invalidated PA Election Results

FAN Moderator

Q: Did a U.S. judge invalidate the results of Pennsylvania’s special election due to “wide-scale voter fraud”? A: No. That’s a fictitious story first posted on a self-described satirical website. FULL ANSWER Many political observers considered Democrat Conor Lamb’s apparent razor-thin victory in Pennsylvania this week to be significant in […]

Trump’s Canadian Trade Tale

FAN Moderator

In making his case for renegotiating NAFTA, President Donald Trump told GOP donors that the U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada — but only because the trade balance “doesn’t include energy and timber.” That’s false. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. ran a trade surplus in goods and services […]

Trump Misses with Mars Attack

FAN Moderator

During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton said that one of her goals as president would be to “make human exploration of Mars a reality.” Nevertheless, President Donald Trump mistakenly claimed that NASA “wouldn’t even be thinking about” going to Mars if Clinton had been elected. Trump made his remarks while […]

No Russian Arrest Warrant for George Soros

FAN Moderator

Q: Has Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a warrant for the arrest of George Soros? A: No. That rumor has been circulating online for years in various forms. FULL ANSWER It’s true that Russia in 2015 banned two charities run by the billionaire George Soros. Soon after that ban was announced, an internet […]