Biden plans for higher taxes on the ultra-wealthy and corporations to extend middle-class tax breaks

FAN Editor

Director of the National Economic Council Lael Brainard speaks at the White House in Washington, D.C., on January 11, 2024.

Drew Angerer | Getty Images

It’s clear we need to end the 2017 tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and scale back costly permanent corporate tax breaks.

Lael Brainard

White House national economic advisor

The multitrillion dollar tax battle comes amid the ongoing debate over the national debt, and extending the TCJA tax breaks would boost the budget deficit, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Trump and other Republicans have pushed for a full extension of expiring TCJA tax breaks, which could add an estimated $4.6 trillion to the deficit over the next decade, according to a Congressional Budget Office report released this week.

‘The stakes could not be higher’

“As we approach the tax debate next year, the stakes could not be higher for the fairness of our tax system and our nation’s fiscal future,” Brainard said.

Renewing Biden’s pledge for “tax fairness,” she said the administration aims to extend expiring TCJA provisions for middle-class Americans. Those extensions would be funded by raising taxes on the ultra-wealthy and corporations.

Brainard said the original legislation primarily benefited the wealthiest Americans and “the trickle-down never happened.”

“Achieving a fairer tax system also means we can’t extend expiring Trump tax cuts for those with incomes above $400,000,” she added.

The administration also wants to quadruple the tax on stock buybacks and add a 25% minimum income tax for billionaires, Brainard said.

Meanwhile, House Republicans have assembled teams to study and propose solutions to address the upcoming 2025 tax cliff.

“If the 2017 Trump tax cuts expire an average family of four earning $75,000 would see their taxes increase by $1,500 a year,” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., said in an April press release.

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