Eat Your Dirty Laundry

jason kraus

“I make my living off the evening news Just give me something Something I can use People love it when you lose They love dirty laundry” For those of you who enjoy the music of the Eighties you may recognize the writing of Don Henley and his hit song Dirty […]

Obama hasn’t a clue about the QuEUe

jason kraus

One morning, as a young boy, my brother and I were standing outside a small store awaiting the exit of our father, who was inside finishing up some business with a client.  After a few minutes we began to look for something to do.  One of us noticed a bottle […]


jason kraus

Last Sunday I received a telephone call from a friend. “Did you see what happened in Orlando, Florida?” “I did.” “Crazy huh?” “No crazier than Fort Hood, or Boston, or San Bernardino.” “Do you think the stock markets will go down on Monday?” “They might but it won’t have anything […]

Two Simple Rules

jason kraus

Two simple rules. Number One:  Those that make anything “complicated” do not understand the subject. Number Two:  Human behavior isn’t complicated. Today’s voter has proven one simple truth. They want more of what they are getting. Any further rationalization or justification on behalf of such behavior is foolish. As I […]

Fear has no place in the strong

jason kraus

Every action has a reaction. What seems to be the simplest of things can, will, and does open doors to life changing opportunities. But for this to happen an action must first take place. Life in general favors the willing. Those who engage freely leaving trepidation behind. Fear has no […]

What am I going to do for you?

jason kraus

A conversation took place a while ago. If you get elected what are you going to do for me? My answer was simple. I’m not going to do anything for you. You are going to do for you! If elected I am going to go to DC and stop the […]

Slavery still exists

jason kraus

Yesterday I went through my day as I always do. The pursuit of happiness to the best of my ability through hard work, saving my money, and being beneficial to others. Throughout the day the radio brought me propaganda about unisex bathrooms, the rights of “refugees” and “immigrants” and incessant […]

Affordable for who?

jason kraus

As insurance companies continue to drop the fraud placed upon the American Taxpayer known as the “Unaffordable Care Act” there are still voices clamoring for more “government” control. It would be comical if not so disconcerting to listen to someone rant about their “right” to medical “care” while proclaiming it […]

All Incumbents Out

jason kraus

I’ve heard the uninformed state things like “the government built the roads you drive on”. No “it” didn’t. Individual humans created the wealth that was then taxed to allow other individuals to build “the roads”. The “government” is a collection of individuals who are suppose to be our brightest minds […]

Income Tax will never work

jason kraus

It is very clear to those of us who pay into the current taxation “system” that it isn’t working. Some will say it is broken and needs to be fixed. Broken implies it worked at one time. Taxation of any behavior that we want more of is foolish and contrary […]