Mother: White headmaster made Black son kneel during apology

FAN Editor

A Long Island mother says the white headmaster of her son’s Catholic school forced the 11-year-old Black student to kneel while apologizing and later explained that the punishment was an  “African way.” ByThe Associated Press March 21, 2021, 7:30 PM • 2 min read Share to FacebookShare to TwitterEmail this […]

Severe drought threatens Joshua trees

FAN Editor

Severe drought threatens Joshua trees – CBS News Watch CBSN Live At Joshua Tree National Park, east of Los Angeles, the last decade was the hottest on record. Trees at the park have been able to survive because their roots are capable of finding water deep in the desert ground. […]

Dignitaries honor Maya Angelou at memorial service

FAN Editor

Dignitaries honor Maya Angelou at memorial service – CBS News Watch CBSN Live At a memorial service for poet Maya Angelou, First Lady Michelle Obama said Angelou’s writings first inspired her as a young woman and still give her strength today. Former President Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey also reflected […]

Biden calls Turkey’s exit from treaty for women unwarranted

FAN Editor

U_S_ President Joe Biden has called Turkey’s abandonment of an international agreement aimed at preventing violence against women “deeply disappointing.” By ZEYNEP BILGINSOY Associated Press March 21, 2021, 6:17 PM • 3 min read Share to FacebookShare to TwitterEmail this article ISTANBUL — U.S. President Joe Biden has called Turkey’s […]