2020 Daily Trail Markers: Castro says Puerto Rico gov should resign

FAN Editor


SEN. CORY BOOKER: On Friday, Sen. Cory Booker unveiled endorsements from Nashua activist JoAnne St. John, Manchester activist Pat Kalik and former NH state representative John Knowles. CBS News Campaign Reporter Nicole Sganga says the new backings are part of a massive rollout – forty New Hampshire activists and community leaders who announced their support for Cory Booker for President this past week. 

Separately, CBS News campaign reporter Jack Turman says Booker is expected to attended Comic-Con in San Diego Friday evening. The campaign said he doesn’t have any planned events, but intends to “geek out” at the convention.

JULIAN CASTRO: Speaking with reporters in Manchester, NH, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro called on Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló to resign. “We’ve seen comments he and others in administration have made,” Castro stated. “This governor can no longer be effective and I believe he should resign.” 

In an exclusive interview with CBS News campaign reporter Nicole Sganga, Castro reflected on preparations for the second DNC debate: “You have to be prepared in these debates to speak to any range of issues, both on domestic policy and foreign policy. But of course, there’s certain things I go in there wanting to talk about,” Castro said. He didn’t elaborate, saying he didn’t want to “give away my whole strategy.”

But he did say there’s not nearly enough emphasis on housing, policing, and “less glamourous issues.”

On his previous debate performance, the secretary said he’s using the momentum of that first debate to make sure the building blocks of a great campaign are in place.” He told Sganga that he’s staffing up in New Hampshire, Iowa and other early states, and “we’re investing more into digital advertising for fundraising to get small dollar donations to be able to fund the campaign.”

JOHN DELANEY: CBSNews.com’s Emily Tillett writes that former Maryland Congressman John Delaney is disputing reports that he is being pressured by aides to drop out of the 2020 presidential race by next month amid concerns that he won’t meet the higher thresholds to participate in the upcoming September debates. “No one on my team asked me to drop out of the race and I have no plans to drop out of the race,” Delaney said in the statement on Friday. 

Axios reported, citing anonymous aides, that concerns had been raised about cash flow for the Delaney campaign and exposed classic “staff versus spouse” tensions – that April Delaney, the candidate’s wife, was playing an abnormally active role in the 2020 race. Delaney directly contradicted the Axios report as “incorrect.”

JOHN HICKENLOOPER: Former Colorado John Hickenlooper appeared on ABC’s “The View” on Friday where he took another swipe at 2020 rivals supporting “Medicare for All” and the Green New Deal. CBS News campaign reporter Stephanie Ramirez says he told the hosts if Democrats want to re-elect Donald Trump, “let’s go try to guarantee a four year conversion to single-payer Medicare for All. Let’s go out there and guarantee we’re going to give every American a federal job if they want one, that’s not going to work.”

STEVE BULLOCK: The Montana governor took a break from campaigning to get in touch with a bit of his past, says CBS News campaign reporter Musadiq Bidar, who spoke with Bullock in Lowell, Iowa. In a remote part of southeast Iowa, beside a boulder with a plaque that reads “oldest road in Iowa,” sits a worn-down building that once housed the ancestors of Montana Governor and 2020 presidential candidate Steve Bullock.

“If I don’t get pictures for my mom, I am in trouble,” Bullock told CBS News, as he walked up to the house with his second cousins, Barbra Smith and Walter Walz. The Lowell Store, owned by Bullock’s great-great-grandfather for several decades, also served as a post office for the town and as a  home for the family.

Bullock was visibly energized, even on blistering afternoon, as he took in the family lore from his relatives while walking around what is now 1st Street in Lowell, Iowa. Read the story here.


OUT WEST: The Nevada Rural Democratic Caucus is preparing for “good turnout” this Sunday at their second “virtual meet ‘n greet” of the cycle, with Kamala Harris, Jay Inslee, Amy Klobuchar, and Beto O’Rourke. “In most areas we have the technology to literally bring the candidates right into our homes, our offices, our libraries, and our community centers,” Kimi Cole, chair of the Rural Nevada Democratic Caucus, tells CBS News campaign reporter Alex Tin

First tried in 2018, the group hopes their experience in Nevada could be a model for boosting rural engagement across the Democratic Party. “I’ve spoken with leaders around the country that feel like many rural areas could benefit,” adds Cole.

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