Groundhog Friday, Groundhog Day Edition

FAN Moderator

Politicians often make the same claims over and over again, leaving us fact-checkers empathizing with Bill Murray’s character in that 1993 classic “Groundhog Day.” This week was no different. To highlight the repeats we’ve debunked before, we launched a feature during the 2016 election called “Groundhog Friday.” We’d be remiss […]

Video: Trump’s State of the Union

FAN Moderator

President Donald Trump made a series of exaggerations and false statements in his first State of the Union to Congress on Jan. 30. In this video, we look at the president’s statements on trade, job creation, auto plants, wages, the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program and U.S. aid to the needy in […]

FactChecking Trump’s State of the Union

FAN Moderator

Summary  President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address was filled with several repeat claims about the economy, tax cuts and immigration that we’ve fact-checked before, as well as new false and misleading statements on auto plants, judicial appointments and development aid. Trump claimed credit for 2.4 million new […]

Ice Caps at Record Low, Not High

FAN Moderator

In a recent interview with the British station ITV, President Donald Trump falsely implied the globe’s ice caps are at “record” high levels. But ice caps generally have been declining worldwide. Trump made his claim in an interview with Piers Morgan, host of the ITV show “Good Morning Britain,” that aired on […]

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment

FAN Moderator

Firing back at criticism from Jay-Z, President Donald Trump went too far when he claimed the black unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history “because of my policies.” While it’s true that the black unemployment rate recently reached its lowest level in decades, the rate has been in steady […]

Parton Me? Dolly Didn’t Praise Trump

FAN Moderator

Q: Did Dolly Parton say, “Trump in one year is already better than 16 years of Bush, Obama put together?” A: No. A public relations consultant said that on a Breitbart radio show. FULL ANSWER Brett Decker, a consultant at a Washington D.C. public relations firm, favorably compared President Donald […]

Teaching About Islam Hasn’t Been Banned

FAN Moderator

Q: Did the U.S. Supreme Court bar public schools from teaching about Islam? A: No. That rumor originates from a website that describes itself as satirical. FULL ANSWER Public schools in America can teach about religion, but they can’t preach about religion. In 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that […]

Video: Women Employment Under Trump

FAN Moderator

In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper reviews a White House talking point about the increase in the number of women employees on the president’s watch. During a women’s event at the White House earlier this month, President Donald Trump said he is “very proud” that “on my watch” there are “more […]

No Evidence of Demi Moore Quote

FAN Moderator

Q: Did Demi Moore say, “I do not want Trump supporters for fans”? A: No. Questionable websites have published the quote with no evidence to support it. FULL ANSWER False stories about celebrities waxing political have been proliferating online recently, and one of the latest targets is Demi Moore. Several […]

Democrats’ Misleading Tax Line

FAN Moderator

The Line: The top 1 percent will get 83 percent of the tax cuts under the new tax law. The Party: Democratic The Republican tax plan was signed into law just last month, and Democrats already have a well-worn, and misleading, talking point about it: 83 percent of the tax cuts go […]