by Jason Kraus:
Where do I begin?
I’ve said many times over the last decade that the best days for America were always ahead. When the Individual is not constrained by oppressive forces all things are possible and there’s never been a greater example of personal freedom than the Land of Liberty.
This Great Experiment known as the United States has continued to roar loudly in the face of corruption, ignorance and even stupidity but after a week of watching Congressional Representatives scour Washington playing Where’s Waldo I am reminded of one of the greatest movie lines in history.
“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
Aye Chief Brody we just may.
This boat could be akin to an Ark and it might be time to file on two by two as another great flood may be more than necessary to clean out the vermin living in Washington D.C.
Of course I jest as we all know cockroaches can survive anything especially while they vacation in Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
Senoritas bringing margaritas to a formerly indicted Senator and friends.
Sounds like a really bad Jimmy Buffett song.
In that I am being redundant.
The lifelong dope smoking hippy who sings about being intoxicated in too many facets of his life apparently doesn’t like the sober mind of President Trump.
One guy builds towers.
The other guy can’t find a shaker of salt.
One guy employs a Sara and a KellyAnne.
The other guy listens to a Nancy and smokes Mary Jane.
Ol Jimmy.
“Wasted away again” in a cloud of Democracy and reefer where inanimate objects are “immoral”.
At least Jimmy can blame the drinking and drugs, pray tell what is Pelosi’s defense?
Aunt Nancy is all one needs to know about the ultimate demise of the Democratic Party.
She resembles Hillary Clinton in that this is the best the Liberals have to offer.
Someone has to oversee the paste eaters.
Like most Progressives she believes Hamas (a terrorist group) is a humanitarian organization and that Sharia “Law” is “compatible” with the United States Constitution.
Let’s make this easy for the oral Play Doh inhalers.
Insert any nation into that sentence and see how that sounds.
Russian Law is compatible with the United States Constitution?
I don’t think so, never mind Russia doesn’t have the Rule of Law, rules or laws, for that matter.
Chinese Law is compatible with the U.S. Constitution?
Maybe to Dianne Feinstein.
Mexican Law is compatible with our Constitution?
La Raza Tom Perez and Sonia Sotomayor think so.
Let’s put a pink vagina hat on this and sum it up with an analogy.
Democrats are the clean needle Party.
They believe that heroin users are the “victims” and that providing them with clean needles will solve all of their problems.
It shouldn’t be too much longer before we see Democratic Presidential candidates standing in front of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings with a six pack and a wet wipe.
These and a billion other reasons are why Americans continue to look at each other in befuddlement as no one can figure out how all the stupid kids are now in charge.
They aren’t.
They think they control the climate and the Amendments.
The Big Fella Upstairs has the first.
We have the 2nd.
Liberals will never understand Freedom let alone themselves.
They will continue to repeat the past as they ignore facts and counsel.
Icarus thought he could fly…until he couldn’t.
Progressive can’t fly and that aforementioned boat is already spoken for.
Push the urchins back into the sea and let em sleep with the fishes.
Jason Kraus