Baby Parts and Wine

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In 2016 the greatest cause of death in America was listed as Heart Disease with over 600,000 passing away. Second on the list was Cancer that killed a little less than 600,000. Third in 2016 was Medical Errors with over 200,000 and probably closer to 400,000 because of the way Medical Errors were and continue to be reported on death certificates.

So in 2016 the overwhelming leading causes of death in America were poor nutrition, medications given that exacerbated the issue and physician errors.

Let us fast forward four years and take another gander at the numbers.

In 2020 the greatest cause of death in America was again Heart Disease with almost 700,000 passing away. Second was again Cancer that killed a little less than six hundred thousand.

Talk about consistency.

Maybe we should stop ingesting billions of pills, processed sugars and oils as it doesn’t seem to be working but we will leave that discussion for another time.

Third on the list in 2020 took a little bit of an odd turn. Medical Malfeasance disappeared completely to be replaced by yep you guessed it Covid-19.

Fascinatingly enough the amount of Covid-19 deaths was a little less than 400,000.

Now I know I have been shadow banned by both Twitter and Facebook and slandered on many outlets but somehow my weekly columns are still getting through and seen by Liberals, and because of this I will simplify as their ability to grasp facts ends with See Sam Run.

Cancer and Heart Disease continued forward as #1 and #2 due to poor nutrition and between them dwarfed Covid-19.

Medical caused Deaths however have been replaced by the RONA as they apparently no longer exist.

The take away here is Heart Disease and Cancer are getting worse but it’s safe to go back to the hospitals. . .as long as you don’t have Covid-19.

Utterly amazing.

When the RONA first arrived on the scene I checked in with Americans all over the United States. I’m in contact with a lot of people and for almost a year I didn’t know ANYONE who had to deal with it. Lockdowns and masks were forced onto citizens, as both suppressed tens of millions of American immune systems, yet even with that I still couldn’t verify anyone around the country who had the RONA.

As the vaccines rolled out, and the threats from government and corporations began, the mRNAs started to spread faster than any airborne virus.

Within a few months I was aware of multiple people whose lifestyle hadn’t changed one bit from the last year, some were working from home some not, who not only contracted the RONA but were having horrible symptoms leading in some cases to hospitalization.

I personally know one person who had to be hospitalized immediately upon “vaccination”.

There is no doubt things are getting worse because of the vaccines and the constant mask wearing.

Now the reports are coming in that the “younger people” are showing up in hospitals with serious breathing issues which end up in many cases leading to pneumonia.

This is happening because so many of the younger crowd were recently vaxxed.

I again know someone who just recently went through this. This individual was not vaccinated but multiple members in their family were.

Shedding is real.

The stories relayed to me about what is happening in these hospitals isn’t even a surprise anymore as the overall incompetence in today’s society has spread like the plague and is much more dangerous than Covid-19.

Now the Federal government is getting ready to attempt to force vaccinate the children to keep the adults from getting sick.

No one should be surprised.

If they are willing to cut up baby parts and sell them over glasses of wine anything is possible.


Jason Kraus

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