Humble Pie

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Last week a friend of mine said to me, “I came across this quote and it reminded me of you.”

“The country life is to be preferred, for there we see the works of God; but in cities little else but the works of men.”

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know I spent my childhood in the mountains and to this day spend as much time as possible at higher elevations away from the ever growing population.  I thanked him for the quote and spoke about William Penn for a bit. At the conclusion he said, “What has happened to our country?”

It’s an excellent question and with all excellent questions a simple answer will suffice.

Too many in America these days haven’t any humility.

Today’s athletes call themselves the GOAT as in the Greatest Of All Time but are too lazy to say the words anymore so they refer to themselves as a farm animal.

The more informative description would be sheep.

Regardless they are running around like chickens with their heads cut off begging for attention.

No humility in sight.

Still it goes much deeper than that.

Today’s politicians, who cannot control their own bodily functions, believe they control the Earth, otherwise known as the Climate.

It’s doubtful any of them could explain our accepted description of the Earth (compressed gases that form solids labeled as the Crust, Mantle and Core) and I guarantee none of them can explain Electromagnetism.

Their new “leader” thinks we are all going to die in twelve years because we can’t drink oil while the old guard is worried that too many of us will relocate to one side and the whole thing will tip over. These brainiacs all support Jussie Smollett who apparently has something on somebody dramatically high up the Liberal food chain.

I’ve got to give that man (or whatever he is calling himself) credit. When he plays his get out of jail free card, he plays his get out of jail free card!

Jussie even had the Mayor of Chicago acting as though he wasn’t in on it, to keep the (m)asses quiet, in the Windy City.

Thanks Obama!

The stench emanating from too many souls in America is coming from humans who belong to nothing (Maslow) and are so desperate to fulfill that need, will exhaust every measure.

Mitt Romney is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with today’s politician. A carpetbagging fraud who will do or say anything to gain the vote and validation of complete strangers.

These creatures are so insecure and unhappy with their lives they will lie, cheat and steal, until the day they die.

They continue to believe they are smarter than everyone else, more righteous than everyone else and are the only ones that can save humanity and the planet.

It’s one thing to believe one is of greater intelligence than other humans.

It’s another to believe one is greater than God.

One Liberal has stated that his seat in Heaven is already cemented in place.

Catholicism and Islam are both stacked with Progressive pedophiles who believe children are their property to do with whatever they wish.

Many Progressives try to play God by deciding which babies live, which babies die and which ones are sold for parts.

The lack of humility is destroying any sense of humanity in these United States.

William Penn was a very smart man and more importantly a humble one.

“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.”

The tyrants are in full bloom and ignoring God completely.

“There can be no friendship where there is no freedom.”

Aye Mr. Penn.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

I have enough friends.

Jason Kraus

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