Freedom is too important.

FAN Moderator

I have a friend who likes to gamble. We used to have that in common. Don’t get me wrong.  I still like to gamble once in a while.

I just don’t like to lose…so I’ve stopped.

Needless to say when we did find ourselves in Reno, Tahoe, or Vegas, we’d spend most of our time in the sports book, going over lines, trying to find who we thought would win AND offered the best odds.

One summer we decided to take the Seattle Mariners over the Boston Red Sox.

Future Hall of Famer Randy Johnson was pitching for the Mariners.

I cannot remember who started for the Red Sox.

Because Johnson was considered so dominant (and he was) his line was minus $300.

For those who’ve never wagered minus $300 means this.

One must bet $300 to win $100 if they decide to choose the Mariners.

Rather than three to one odds you are getting one to three odds.

We took Johnson and the Mariners, and let’s just say, we collectively bet more than $300.

For eight innings, Johnson did what a future Hall of Fame pitcher does.


In the ninth and final inning a pitching change occurred.

Instead of leaving Johnson out there with a 3-0 lead, the “manager” decided to bring in his “closer”.

Heathcliff Slocumb was handed the ball and before we had a chance to blink…the game was over.

4 to 3…Red Sox.

Our sizable and foreseeable profit was gone and a gaping hole was left in our pocketbook.

I wish this was the only gambling “story” I had to share.

Nevertheless it provides a caveat to the world of today’s politics.

History tells us Donald Trump should be the minus 300 favorite.

Hillary shouldn’t even have odds.

She should be in prison, and if Trump is elected…let us all dare to dream.

Eight years of a Democrat (Clinton), eight years of a Republican (Bush) and eight years of a liar…err…Democrat (Obama) shows the consistency of Boomer politics.

Twenty-four years of Progressivism (Oppression) has consistently handed the reins to the next Liberal in line, regardless of Party affiliation.

The media didn’t call Barack “George W. Obama” for nothing.

Now the Queen Bee of Anarchy wants to take her place at the head of the table with her promise to give us four more years of crushing debt, increased human trafficking, more Iranian stimulus programs and Islamic refugees.

Trust me when I say this, even some of the more imbecilic Liberals out there (I know a couple.  I don’t talk to them.  They disgust me but I get the info I need) do not like or trust Hillary and they don’t care that she is a woman.

Some think she is “gender detached”.

Of course these are the same people who think Bernie Sanders walks on water (maybe not the actual act as most of them believe they are the higher power) so we must be aware of these shoulder biters and paste eaters.

Yet even they do not support the crime syndicate known as the Clinton La Cosa Nostra.

As stated earlier, recent history tells us this should be a runaway, for the Republican candidate.

This year however, the Republican candidate, isn’t a Republican.

He isn’t a Democrat either.

Some say he isn’t black, brown, or white but rather…orange.

He isn’t liberal or libertarian, compassionate conservative or communist.

He is a Trump and when he sits down to play his card the game changes dramatically.

It is my personal view that Donald Trump should be leading in every poll on the planet and if/when he realizes Freedom is too important for all these reindeer games to continue, he will be the next President of the United States.

Even dictators around the world should be praying for Trump as four more years of instability in the United States, I believe, will take America and Americans to places most cannot imagine, few are ready for, and none of us want.

That which is bad for the United States, is horrendous, for the world.

American urban crime is increasing, international human trafficking is growing and our national and world wide debt is now beyond any rational fix.

Irrationality along with insanely leveraged credit is now the norm.

Thank you and a hat tip to the Woodstock Generation.

Sex, drugs, and Rock n Roll has given us broken families, methadone clinics, and needle sharing programs.

This doesn’t sound good to those of us who didn’t tune in, turn on or drop out.

Yet through yonder window light breaks and it appears America actually has a chance to vote for a Presidential candidate who didn’t get high.

A man who reportedly doesn’t drink alcohol.

A man who has created jobs, and paid millions in taxes that have funded the broken families, methadone clinics, and needle sharing programs.

“Oh who cares” yell the ignorant.  “His daddy gave him one million dollars!”


Who wouldn’t accept money loaned from their parents?

Everyone would and many have.

Who amongst us turned that money into a fortune?

Very, very few.

So the rationale is this.

Someone (Trump) who created  billions of dollars, from a loan of one million from his father, is “irrational” and a “danger to our economy” but someone (Clinton) who lives off of the rest of us, and takes money from hostile foreign entities, while engaging in quid pro quo, isn’t?

The ankle biters have struck again.

Someone (Trump) who wants to close the border which would dramatically decrease human trafficking (for all you open border liberals, human trafficking equals the rape and murder of women and children everyday) is a “racist xenophobic bigot” while the person (Clinton) who wants the border wide open (again allowing the proliferation of human trafficking or in other words SLAVERY and sexual abuse) is “looking out for the rights of women.”

With a “friend” like Hillary Clinton looking out for you…who could afford enemies?

Yet Donald Trump is reportedly languishing in the polls and although many don’t believe the polls…I do.

As I’ve said many times there is nothing wrong with America but there is definitely plenty wrong with some Americans.

Three generations of drug usage, sexual promiscuity and living for the now, or YOLO, has taken its toll.

Too many have tuned out for so long they no longer care about anything.

Let us be honest.

We have a lot of dead weight that the rest of us are carrying and they will continue to slow us down until adults are back in charge or catastrophe strikes.

This election, will either cost lives, or save them, which is why it is so important for Trump to:


A while ago I wrote a column about Donald Trump, Rosie O’Donnell, and Scorched Earth.

The premise was simple.  She attacked him.  He verbally scorched everything, including himself, and when it was all over Trump appeared from the fire like Danerius from the Game of Thrones…avec vetements.

To:  My American Brother Donald J. Trump.

From:  Your American Brother Jason Kraus

Stop with the Ready, Fire, Aim.

We need you to Ready, Steady, Aim at Hillary Clinton, and FIRE.

Stop talking about the Khans, Paul Ryan, and rigged elections.

Stop talking about Vladimir Putin, how much money you’ve made, and shut up about you always wanting a Purple Heart.

Nobody WANTS a Purple Heart.

In my opinion many don’t realize this about you and maybe you don’t realize this about yourself.

Although you enjoy compliments, and to a certain extent crave acceptance, you become very uncomfortable when someone says something or does something nice in your presence.

You, like many men in your generation, dismiss compliments even though deep down you really appreciate them.

Your joke about wanting a Purple Heart, in my opinion, was just that.

You were truly touched and rather than showing emotion you told a joke and were perceived to be unappreciative of the gift.

Let me be clear.

I’ve supported you the entire time because I thought you weren’t a politician.

Through some of the gaffs, absurdities, and just poor decisions my vote never wavered.

When I read about the Purple Heart comment my blood boiled.

After seeing the video and watching your non-verbal cues I understood you were embarrassed that such an honor would be bestowed upon you.

This of course is subjective.

It is my opinion.

Regardless it is time for you to stop taking the bait, and prove that those of us who support you, are correct.

It is more important for us, that you win, than it is, for you.

We don’t have billions in the bank and a tower to return to.

We have to live with these political outcomes, that are slowly strangling us, everyday.

You are not alone.

You are not Atlas.

We’ve got your back.

Now STAND UP and give us something to cover.

Freedom is too important.


FIRE !!!

Jason Kraus

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