Melania Trump unveils White House Christmas decorations

FAN Editor

Last Updated Nov 27, 2017 12:10 PM EST First lady Melania Trump on Monday unveiled the White House Christmas decorations whose theme reflects 200 years of holiday traditions at the White House. “The President, Barron, and I are very excited for our first Christmas in the White House,” she said […]

The prince behind Saudi Arabia reforms

FAN Editor

What’s happening in Saudi Arabia is not a revolution — some crimes are still punished with beheading, and women still need permission from a male relative to travel overseas. But things are changing here. Authorities earlier this year lifted a ban on female drivers, and allowed women to into sports […]

Memphis to mediate statue’s fate with Confederate vets group

FAN Editor

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A city attorney says Memphis, Tennessee, and the Sons of Confederate Veterans will enter mediation over the removal of a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest from a public park. The Commercial Appeal reports that Memphis City Council Attorney Allan Wade announced the mediation Tuesday. Wade also recommended […]

Volcano alert at highest level as danger zone expands

FAN Editor

KARANGASEM, Indonesia — Indonesian authorities ordered a mass evacuation of people Monday from an expanded danger zone around an erupting volcano on Bali that has forced the island’s international airport to close, stranding tens of thousands of travelers. Mount Agung has been hurling clouds of white and dark gray ash […]

Miss South Africa Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters wins Miss Universe

FAN Editor

LAS VEGAS — The woman representing South Africa won the Miss Universe crown Sunday. Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, who recently earned a business management degree, was crowned during the event at The AXIS theater at Planet Hollywood casino-resort on the Las Vegas Strip. The runner-up was Miss Colombia Laura Gonzalez, while the second […]

Lawsuit challenges Trump’s choice for consumer financial bureau

FAN Editor

President Trump’s appointment of his budget director as interim director of a consumer financial protection agency championed by Democrats was challenged in a lawsuit filed in federal court Sunday night. Leandra English, the federal official elevated to the position of interim director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau by its […]

The restaurant mogul feeding Puerto Rico

FAN Editor

We first met chef José Andrés seven years ago in the wildly popular restaurant he’d opened in Beverly Hills. Andrés was born in Spain, but America is where he became famous for his avant-garde approach to cooking. He has nearly 30 restaurants here now, but he’s barely set foot in […]