I remember watching the first term of Obama, and when the country voted to give him another, I decided I had to engage. I wrote Late Bird, appeared on radio and television and traveled America meeting wonderful citizens from Oklahoma to Michigan to Florida and everything in between. As momentum started to build, and my weekly columns, that one patriotic citizen deemed The Sunday Obligatory, began to be shared all over the world, Facebook stepped in and shut down my page under the guise of Russian Disinformation.
I’d been “shadow banned.”
Roughly around the same time then candidate Donald Trump started to rise in the polls as he began talking about things of which I’d written extensively, more importantly were imperative to the United States citizenry.
Many times over I received notes, emails and comments pertaining to the idea that the billionaire mogul had indeed read my book.
Although I appreciated the compliments, the better explanation was that the idea that a politician should be serving the People, rather than themselves, was overwhelmingly shared throughout the nation.
In Late Bird I laid out three specifics.
The refusal to accept any salary.
The refusal of donations.
Serving only one term.
Based on these three premises, which I personally put into action when I put myself on the ballot in California (the Dominion Machines selected Kamala Criminal Harris) it is now clear that if President Trump did read Late Bird he didn’t finish the proposition.
He did indeed refuse the salary.
He also spent quite a bit of his own money. He still accepted donations but the expenditure of his own finances and the beating he took from a business perspective I feel it is fair to give him this one.
Sadly he didn’t grasp the concept of serving only one term or more importantly not serving consecutive terms.
The point of this was three-fold.
First to free the Individual to do exactly what needed to be done without fear of re-election.
Second, to ensure that if things fell apart again there was an opportunity to return and take corrective action.
Finally it provided an example of Leadership and an ability to point to hypocrisy as willingly walking away from being the “leader of the free world” gave the moral and political upper hand.
It’s the difference between playing chess and checkers.
Interestingly enough if the election fraud that occurred in November is successful, President Trump will be entering this scenario but rather than it being his choice, will be forced upon him and more importantly, US.
The reality of our current situation is for the last three decades we have been “lead” by the worst of the Boomer Generation.
Mr. Trump had the correct instincts but trusted that his “personality” rather than the enforcement of Law could and would eventually win over those in the Swamp.
It didn’t.
The corruption in our country is so great it is doubtful the West Coast has had a “fair election” in over a decade, never mind cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Washington D. C. and of course New York City.
Now we are being told that Georgia voted for Biden but is going to elect two Republicans to the U. S. Senate.
I’m not sure how the Georgia election will go but I guarantee it’s already been decided.
Either the Democrats will push their luck and grab both or the powers that be will let the election unfold to quiet the masses by allowing Republican Senate “control”.
A conspiracy is definitely taking place and that is a not a theory.
It is a fact.
In returning to President Trump it must be maddening to him to know that he actually won but is being overwhelmed by the Swamp.
I’m sure he will be tweeting, until they block him permanently, for years to come but if he is unwilling to replace most members of his “Justice Department” NOW, after he knows they’ve not only covered up crimes but actually targeted him personally, why would one believe he would do it next time.
That is the definition of insanity.
Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
Due to loyalty to President Trump some may struggle reading this column but my concern is not with feelings but with pushing Freedom forward.
I thank the President for his service and for the litany of things he was able to accomplish.
Furthermore his four years in office gave those of us who care about our country much needed time to put ourselves into better positions to protect America.
With that said Mr. Trump has three options.
He can fire the criminals, hire AMERICANS and enforce the laws. . .NOW.
His counting on judges, justices, and State legislators to do what his Justice Department would not, is wrong. Moreover some of these people would be putting their lives, and the lives of their families, in jeopardy without the protection President Trump currently enjoys. Leadership is rarely easy but for it to work it must happen from the front.
He can “make the call” and watch as millions of Americans rain down on the traitors in this country like locust from sea to shining sea. More than likely it would be a brutal affair with more humans dying in this moment than those who’ve been incorrectly claimed by the RONA.
He can continue to tweet, complain that he’s been screwed, and then exit the Oval Office in January leaving us with criminals who hate America in the most powerful positions, crushing debt, and a “dark winter”.
More than likely number three will occur and at that point I will be finished with preparation, education through facts, or Constitutional references as I am as prepared as I can be, and it is clear, facts and the Constitution no longer matter.
I will begin to explain how technology, specifically through the Internet, Cryptocurrencies, gene editing and resources such as water and electricity will be used to remove all borders to finally arrive at the concept of the “New World Order” through control of the above mentioned items by those who own the massive corporations.
Some will struggle with this concept because they don’t want to acknowledge the reality of the decline of our civilization.
Never fear as the only way to improve any situation is to realize what is happening, the tools now available, and our way through to protect, defend, and serve these United States.
It probably won’t be with guns but rather God, guts, guile, and believe it or not, generosity, but for this to happen the “bottom” must take place, and that fall, for most, will not be pleasant.
Welcome to 2021.
Jason Kraus