They are Guilty

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Hippocrates once stated, “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

Something today’s Progressives continues to ignore and crawl further down the rabbit hole of Oppression, replacing our joy for the holiday season with the Covid caveat, as Liberal policies continue to make everything harder and the masks reappear around the country.

Even worse is the stories that flow in from around the country of parents still vaxxing their children, some under the age of five, and let us not forget, not that they would let us, all the “experts” who work in medicine.

My favorite, using the term sarcastically, is the mouth breather who has all kinds of physical ailments, including multiple co-morbidities, whose gums continue to flap because they work in the “field” or have the title of RN or MD.

Let me say this for all the fools, imbeciles, and dolts in the back who continue to repeat the lies and further the suffering and death happening around the world.

You’ve been wrong the entire time.

Those who ignore history, and the reality of facts, are doomed to repeat it/them.

It’s one thing for the lay person to get things wrong or make decisions based on fear.

When crisis occurs those who are trained for calamity must perform to the benefit of the Individual, their nation, and Freedom.

The majority of our mainstream medical, in dealing with Covid in America, is beyond neglectful or even negligent.

They are guilty.

Oh what do you know Jason?

Where are your credentials?

I don’t need credentials to read a room, recognize oppression, or be told how to respond.

You try to bully me, and that is exactly what tens of millions of humans living in America have done to others, and I will intrinsically respond in a manner you will not enjoy or ever want to happen again.

Oh so you are a tough guy now?


I am an American who believes nothing is more important than Freedom and that includes my personal safety.


Still, for those who struggle with reality and only believe someone with “credentials” let me introduce you to Dr. Peter A. McCullough who has more “accolades” and bonafides than all of you Liberals combined.

Dr. McCullough has been explaining and trying to stop the damage created by cowards and again explained the concept and overt danger of viral shedding through these “vaccines”.

I didn’t need an explanation.

I’ve witnessed it personally.

If you know anyone who has recently been jabbed with a vax, booster, and yes even a flu shot, stay away from them for at least two weeks, longer if you can.

Liberals love to opine about being on the right side of history.

As always, and especially on this issue they are wrong and if/when the facts are finally revealed those who allowed others to jab them will feel shame.

Those who pressured others to be sparked will have a different outcome.

God have mercy on their souls.

The survivors will be less forgiving.

Jason Kraus

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