For whom the bell tolls

FAN Moderator

It is a troubling thing to listen to “educated” people defend Islam.  Many will point to the 1st Amendment as a Constitutional Right to practice this particular belief system.

It isn’t.

Systemic oppression is never protected by the 1st Amendment.


I don’t need to cover the absurdity happening all over the world right now in the name of Mohamed.  Everyone, even Barbara Boxer, recognizes the murder, raping, and pillaging happening.  Obama’s ignorance or acceptance of this oppression shouldn’t surprise anyone.  Although he has lied about many things at many times his feelings towards Islam are very clear.  It’s why it was so easy for him to sit in a church for years listening to a horrendous person blast America.

Obama agrees.

Please ladies and gentlemen.  We should all be aware of this now.  As we say “this isn’t new news.”

What I find troubling is the conversation taking place about the “moderate Muslims”.  “Why aren’t moderate Muslims crying out against this barbaric behavior?”

Their silence tells you everything you need to know.  But let us simply discuss the human relationship dictated by Muslim practice.  Every country on the planet that is overwhelmingly controlled by either Sunni or Shiite Muslims is abusive and oppressive to women and children.  Women and children are property to be used or disposed of at the whims or behest of men.  Does this mean EVERY single Muslim man abuses the women and children in their lives?  Of course not.  Not every German under Hitler’s reign agreed with Nazism.  But the overwhelming majority either tacitly agreed or kept quiet.  Complicit by acceptance.

This is Islam.

Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc are all Islam dominated societies where women and children have no rights and are punished/killed if attempting to practice their free will.  The sexual abuse, genitalia mutilation, and beatings of women and female children are exactly what evil looks like unchecked.

Again this is Islam.

Do these things happen to every little girl in these societies?

Do they have to?

One is too much for me.

There will be some who will argue these things happen under Catholicism or century old practices of Christianity.  Your superfluous absurdity will fall on deaf ears.  Although I have no use for the Catholic Church I do believe in the greatness of Jesus.  But both things are irrelevant as I am neither a Catholic nor a Christian.

I am an American.

I am truly amazed at the lack of understanding of this oppression by American women who are voting for Democratic candidates.  From the President down I can name multiple elected Democratic politicians who support this oppression.

Democratic female voters.  Although I am not here to defend Republican politicians if you think they are more oppressive than current Democratic policies and statements you don’t know the soul of your own party.

Republican politicians will look like Sunday school teachers in comparison to Sharia Law.

“It will never happen here.”

It already is.

Every day as America is bombarded with more illegals or “refugees” the less safe and secure the female population becomes.  Not to mention our children.

I have written about this before but the influx of humans into America are coming from very violent societies.  They are bringing this violence with them.  This isn’t an opinion.  These things are getting worse every day.

When you combine this type of oppression with the incredible debt Obama has placed on us things become very simple to understand…and it isn’t pretty.

When our own rights are being used to protect humans from other countries it is only a matter of time before Freedom as we know it does not reign.

Freedom is an agreement among citizens.  If enough citizens do not honor the agreement then it becomes moot.  Our courts, elected leaders, and our own money are being used against us.

This is truly what the 2nd Amendment is about.  But it is much deeper than a gun.  The 2nd Amendment is our insurance policy in place to protect our agreement.  The 2nd Amendment isn’t about Freedom.

It’s about Free Will.

You may, as I will, go to dinner tonight or see a movie.  Everything appears okay.  Both of these things and many others were taking place in Berlin as bombs were dropped there during World War II.

There are many voices who believe we are past the point of return.  That America will require some type of revolution or civil war to return us to the path of Freedom.

War and all forms of it are losing propositions for all parties.  Neither side of humans engaging in battle win.  One side simply loses more.  We’ve been lead here by horrible decisions and worse behavior including our own apathy.

As I am not a patient man when it comes to others attempts at controlling my life I have to believe we still have a path, narrow that it may be.  I have to believe this and am here now as I have been for the last two years providing a new message and a better way through individual responsibility and systemic change.

A rebirth of America through work.

Not war.

But as the debt grows heavier on our shoulders and the violence increases in our towns we must move faster.  Our speed must be increased and our message of the greatness of America must quicken.

We cannot spend time on debate.  We aren’t asking permission.  Cast off the foolish who waste our time in needless and endless chatter.  We haven’t the luxury of the ill or uninformed.  Harden your minds and your bodies for the task at hand.

Embrace your lineage as descendants of the greatest collection of behavior in the history of the human animal.

Live well, speak freely, and render onto to those the love so earned, so cherished so given to us from the Earth and Above.

We hold these truths to be self-evident that we are FREE and to remain this way action must be taken.

Each one of you are now being called.  Not by me.  You are being called from within.  From the one place we all return to.  Our internal voice.

We cannot allow this to become a time “that tries a man’s soul”.

But we must move forward, faster than ever in advance of the brutality nipping at America’s heals.

For whom the bell of Freedom tolls.

It tolls for thee.

It tolls for America…if you are willing to roar.

Roar with me.

Jason Kraus


“Late Bird” by Jason Kraus

Restoring a nation one voice at a time.

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