Yes the Klan still exists

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A question was posed to me a while ago when the media was running around making a big case about “racism, Trump, and the Klan.”

“Jason, do you think the Klan still exists?”

“Of course they do.  They even come out and make statements quite often,” I answered.

In 2010 a white man was “impressed”  that a certain black man was “light-skinned” and spoke with “no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one.”

Also in 2010 a white woman called a  “former member” of the KKK a “friend and mentor.”

In an incredibly bizarre twist, also in 2010, a black man called a recruiter for the Klan “a fierce protector of the US Constitution.”

The name of the white man who was “impressed” with a black man’s “light skin” and able to speak without “Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one,” was none other than Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.  DEMOCRAT.

The name of the white woman who called a member of the KKK a “friend and mentor” was none other than Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. DEMOCRAT.

Hillary would have been a wonderful Nazi as she also adored Margaret Sanger who, if she could have, would have sterilized every person she deemed “unfit” in America.

The name of the black man who called a recruiter for the Klan “a fierce protector of the US Constitution,” was none other than the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama.  DEMOCRAT.

Yes the Klan does exist these days but they aren’t running around in hoods burning crosses.

They are running the Democratic Party.

Of course Progressive bigotry isn’t just a Klan thing.

In 2015 a “Latino” male threatened on television to put in place a “militancy that will be activated throughout the immigrant community.”

This threat was made in case legal deportations were made.  In other words the enforcement of the law.

Militant means “engaged in warfare or combat.”

His name is Luis Gutierrez.  Congressman from Illinois.  Democrat.

In 2012 a black woman stood on a stage, and knowingly being filmed, stated Sharia Law was compatible with the United States Constitution.  That same woman also made it a point to mention another woman (Hispanic) who agreed and was also in attendance that day.

The woman who made the statement was Congresswoman Maxine Waters from California.  Democrat.

The woman who agreed and was in attendance was Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez from California.  Democrat.

Due to a media that will not cover the truth most Americans have no idea what Sharia Law is or to what it pertains.

Sharia Law or Islamic Law is the “law of the land” in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A blind man can see the United States Constitution is not “compatible” with these oppressive nations.

To put it bluntly women are property under Sharia Law and can be beaten, raped, and even killed…legally.

Homosexuality is a crime under Sharia and punishable by death.

There is a War on Women.

It’s happening in the misogynist and homophobic Middle East, with approval in 2014 from a white woman, who reportedly told many members of the press, that “Hamas is a humanitarian organization.”

Hamas is of course a Sunni Muslim terrorist organization that also accepts money from Shiite Iran and practices…Sharia.

This woman goes by the title former Speaker of the House.  Two clicks away in the Presidential ascension.

Her name is Nancy Pelosi.  Democrat.

Now some of you may not be familiar with Hamas.  As stated earlier they are an Islamic terrorist organization that hates Israel and The United States.

They also run the Palestinian Authority.  The same Palestinian Authority that continues to fire rockets into Israel with money from Iran.

The same Iran, Barack Obama, just gave over one BILLION dollars to.

Well not exactly dollars.  Obama helicoptered in different currencies to the Ayatollah where, according to John Kerry’s own words, “those funds could be used for terrorism.”

John Kerry Secretary of State.  Democrat.

Truly stunning.  The usage of propaganda, money, and lies to murder, rape, pillage, and create terror in other humans, specifically those that follow Judaism or as a black man would say “hymie town”.

The man who made that comment was “Reverend” Jesse Jackson.  Democrat.

Of course he isn’t alone.  In 2015 another black man called for the killing of humans with pale faces.

While college students screamed and threw tantrums about “micro aggressions” and Obama said he “understood” when cops were targeted and murdered, nothing was said about the aforementioned man who called for ten thousand black Americans to take to the streets to kill the white man.

That man is named Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, and he said these things in a church, not a mosque, where he reportedly received a standing ovation.

Calling for the militancy and the outright murder of others because they don’t look like you or because they are Semitic.

Kind of like…the KKK.

Well not kind of like.

Exactly like the Ku Klux Klan.

The Klan is still around and going strong.  It just comes in all colors now.

It’s found on the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor and as an appointee to HUD (Julian Castro).  Democrats.

Both supporters of La Raza.  Just in case some don’t know what La Raza means.  It means “the Race”.

Pray tell what “race” are these bigots referring to?

I could go on and on with the bigotry coming from the Klan err Democratic Party but let us be honest with each other.

You don’t need me to.

We all know we have very real problems in America.

What’s that?

One more example of diversity in the new Klan?


A black man stated recently that if blacks don’t vote for Hillary it would be “disrespectful” as it would ruin a legacy.

Basically if you are black and don’t vote for Hillary you are an Uncle Tom.

The name of the hateful bigot who said this.

Barack Hussein Obama. Democrat.

He is half right.

A vote for Hillary won’t ruin a legacy.

It will ruin a country.

Jason Kraus

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