This week the two questions asked of me the most were these.
Did you watch the Super Bowl?
Did you watch the State of the Union?
No and Yes.
According to reports I didn’t miss much of the Big Game.
Of course I haven’t watched the NFL in a couple of years so the entire process was irrelevant to me.
The State of the Union on the other hand was quite interesting.
My personal belief is the SOTU always goes on too long regardless of who is doing the giving.
With that said President Trump was quite entertaining and I found the speech to be exceptionally well written.
So well written in fact the power of the words literally forced the Party of Hate known as the Democrats to stand and applaud multiple times.
The verbiage was so strong even Aunt Nancy couldn’t contain multiple smiles or whatever we want to call her face when it contorts vertically at the corners.
Then again she could have been having a stroke.
How would we know?
After the President was finished the Democratic response was given by an individual who apparently learned nothing in school or from her parents.
Stacey Abrams started off with a story about her father giving away his coat one night to a homeless man. If true I applaud her father for the gesture but dismiss him as a positive example to others as his own daughter does nothing but take and take and take from anyone and everyone. Not only is she in poor health due to her own choices, she’s also hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
Furthermore she attempts to lead the lost even further astray by attempting to save “Democracy”.
Liberals are amazing creatures.
They continue to try and save something that doesn’t exist (Democracy) yet have no problem dancing and celebrating the killing of things that actually do (babies).
Stacey Abrams “coat” was not one of many colors and although it was stated that her parents were both pastors I doubt Stacey would ever recognize the aforementioned reference.
Furthermore the concept of “love” (giving to others without expectation) was certainly not passed along to her.
She has high expectations of other peoples money.
Finally it always strikes me as absurd when someone who chooses to be morbidly obese feels they are qualified to give their opinions on health care.
At any level this is hypocrisy then again her hero Oprah does it every day on televisions across America so apparently what is good for one large bigot is good for another large bigot.
Finally we have some consistency.
I can hear Harpo now.
“And you get a coat and you get a coat and you get Type 2 diabetes!”
Thanks Progressives.
The SOTU after “parties” depended upon one’s choice of network.
FOX tried to be “fair and balanced” and sounded like a bunch of guilty apologists in their attempts to give Mr. Trump credit.
CNN couldn’t be bothered with such tripe.
They drooled, frothed and cut each other off in their rush to one up each others stupidity.
Unsurprisingly they laughed and congratulated each other while genuflecting to the “diverse” crowd standing behind Spacey Stacey.
Last but not least the female Progressives who spent part of the night fist bumping each other and raising the roof seemed to settle right in with their historic male counterparts.
The only thing missing was their hoods.
Robert Byrd would have been so proud.
The only thing left would have been for Obama to give them a eulogy and a hug.
Benedict Barack would have been an awesome Tory.
He’s been a great Iranian.
Jason Kraus