Biden’s Numbers, October 2023 Update

FAN Moderator

Summary Para leer en español, vea esta traducción de Google Translate. Since President Joe Biden took office: The economy added 13.9 million jobs, putting the total 4.5 million higher than before the pandemic. The unemployment rate dropped for a time to the lowest in nearly 54 years; unfilled job openings […]

Trump’s Misleading Poverty Rate Comparison

FAN Moderator

The official U.S. poverty rate in 2022 “remained stable compared to 2021,” but an alternative method of measuring poverty “increased significantly, reflecting changes in economic well-being following the end of many pandemic-era programs,” the Census Bureau says in a new report. But a chart former President Donald Trump shared on […]

Stefanik’s Distorted U.S. Energy Production Claim

FAN Moderator

In her speech nominating Rep. Jim Jordan as House speaker, Rep. Elise Stefanik distorted the facts about U.S. energy production and the reasons for higher gasoline prices and utility bills. Stefanik, who is the House Republican Conference chair, made her case for Jordan on Oct. 17, during the first roll […]