Video: FactChecking Round Two of July Debate

FAN Moderator

This video covers some of the claims the candidates made on July 31 during round two of the second Democratic debate in Detroit. Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed that Sen. Kamala Harris’ health insurance plan would raise “middle-class taxes,” when Harris has said she would exempt households with income […]

FactChecking July’s Round Two Debate

FAN Moderator

Summary Another debate, and another crop of false and misleading claims. Sen. Kamala Harris of California and former Vice President Joe Biden disagreed on whether his health care plan would “cover everyone.” Biden’s website says it would “insure more than an estimated 97% of Americans.” Biden claimed that Harris’ health care […]

Video: FactChecking the Democratic Debate

FAN Moderator

In this video, we examine some of the false and misleading claims from the July 30 Democratic debate. Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas falsely said that “no other country comes even close to” the 40,000 gun-violence deaths in the United States. That’s the correct figure for the U.S. for […]

Cummings Didn’t Have Obama’s Records ‘Sealed’

FAN Moderator

Quick Take A meme on Facebook falsely claims that Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings “wrote a bill to keep all of Obama’s record sealed.” That distorts bipartisan legislation dealing with the federal records of all presidents that Cummings introduced, which became law in 2014. Full Story  A false claim about Rep. Elijah Cummings […]

FactChecking the Second Democratic Debate

FAN Moderator

Summary We flagged false and misleading claims from several candidates: Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke got it wrong in claiming “no other country comes even close to” the number of gun-violence deaths in the United States. Brazil had more firearm injury deaths in 2016 and several countries have higher firearm death […]

False Caption on Refugee Picture

FAN Moderator

Quick Take A photo circulating on social media claims to show “Europeans trying to get to North Africa during World War II,” but it actually shows Albanian refugees arriving in Italy in 1991. Full Story A photo of a boat teeming with refugees has been doctored and mislabeled on Facebook […]

Posts Twist Facts on Democrats’ Names

FAN Moderator

Quick Take Social media posts claim some well-known Democrats are “fraudulent and corrupt” for not using “their real names.” But in some cases, the posts refer to them by an incorrect name, a nickname, a middle name or a maiden name. Full Story  A conspiracy theory shared across social media […]

Pinning Down Prescription Drug Prices

FAN Moderator

One aim the president and Democratic 2020 challengers share is the desire to bring down the price of prescription drugs. But is that already happening, or are prices still climbing? The two parties disagree, and it depends on how they’re measuring drug prices. President Donald Trump has claimed, “Last year, […]

Nadler Misrepresents Mueller Testimony

FAN Moderator

Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler selectively cited former special counsel Robert S. Mueller’s testimony to misleadingly claim that Mueller said he didn’t indict President Donald Trump only because he couldn’t indict a sitting president. Mueller clarified in his July 24 congressional testimony that “we did not make any determination with regard […]