Biden’s Record on Iraq War

FAN Moderator

Twice in the last five weeks, Joe Biden has claimed that despite voting to authorize military force against Iraq in 2002, he opposed the Iraq war from “the moment” it began. That’s not accurate, and Biden now says he misspoke. The public position taken in the lead-up to and early […]

Deceptive Second Amendment Ads

FAN Moderator

Ads posted on Facebook from a committee working to reelect President Donald Trump claim that Democrats are calling for the Second Amendment to be repealed. To support the claim, the Trump campaign pointed to statements by a few state lawmakers and one candidate for U.S. Senate. The ads, however, could […]

Trump’s False ‘Facts’ on the Environment

FAN Moderator

Just as CNN was beginning its climate town hall event, President Donald Trump tweeted a list of “8 facts” boasting of the nation’s air quality and carbon emissions reductions. Several of his “facts,” however, are inaccurate or misleading. Contrary to the president’s claims, the United States — not China — […]

A Misleading Take on the Trump Family’s Citizenship

FAN Moderator

Quick Take Viral social media posts wrongly suggest that President Donald Trump’s three eldest children are citizens only because of birthright citizenship. Full Story President Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana, became a U.S. citizen in 1988 — years after the last of the couple’s three children, Eric, was born in […]

Pence’s ‘Politically Correct’ Obama VA Claim

FAN Moderator

In an address to veterans, Vice President Mike Pence said “VA hospitals were removing Bibles” and “banning Christmas carols” under the last administration, and “will not be religion-free zones” under this administration. But VA hospitals have never been “religion-free zones.” And there’s less to the isolated incidents than Pence’s claim […]

Phony Tweet Targets AOC

FAN Moderator

Quick Take A fake tweet circulating online attributes a made-up statement about hurricane preparation to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Full Story Two popular targets for misinformation — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and major weather events — have been combined in one recent falsehood. A fake tweet created as some […]