Weinstein Wasn’t a Medal of Freedom Recipient

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Quick Take A doctored image spread on Facebook erroneously shows former President Barack Obama giving Harvey Weinstein the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The actual photo showed Obama bestowing the honor upon former Vice President Joe Biden. Full Story  Amid the criminal trial of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein — and his […]

Biden’s Factual Distortions

FAN Moderator

Former Vice President Joe Biden distorted the facts in two interviews in the wake of the Nevada caucuses: He claimed that one of his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders, “was opposed to Obamacare.” Sanders voted in favor of the bill in 2009, saying it was “not […]

Survey Says: Trump Misleads on Debate Performances

FAN Moderator

Railing against a Fox News guest who said Donald Trump won the presidency despite poor debate performances, Trump held up a series of opt-in online surveys to misleadingly claim that “polls” showed he “won every single debate.” Scientific polls showed otherwise. In an extended riff that lasted more than 10 […]

Family Separation Spin in Nevada

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A misleading Spanish-language TV ad from a group backing President Donald Trump claims that then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden “separated families and put children in cages” while it shows images of minors who were temporarily detained after crossing the southern border on their own — without a […]

Misinformation Outlasts Virginia Gun Bill

FAN Moderator

Quick Take A Virginia bill that would have banned the sale of “assault firearms” has been tabled for a year, but misinformation about it continues to circulate online — including a false claim that the state will confiscate guns. Full Story Thousands of demonstrators from around the country, some of […]

Video: The Ninth Democratic Debate

FAN Moderator

We examine four claims from the Feb. 19 Democratic debate in this video: Former Vice President Joe Biden wrongly said of the stop-and-frisk policing policy under former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg: “The reason that stop and frisk changed is because Barack Obama sent moderators to see what was […]