New efforts emerge on Capitol Hill to tackle gun control

FAN Editor

In the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, this time in Southerland Springs, Texas, members of Congress are once again proposing legislation aimed at overhauling and enforcing stricter gun laws. Twenty-six people were left dead on Sunday, according to police, who have included an unborn child in the death count, […]

Michigan Senate OKs concealed guns in schools, bars

FAN Editor

Licensed gun owners with extra training could legally carry inside schools, churches, bars and other pistol-free zones under hotly contested legislation that was approved Wednesday by the Republican-led Michigan Senate, days after the Texas church massacre. The bills were sent to the GOP-led House for consideration next. They face an […]

Homeland nominee questions human role in climate change

FAN Editor

President Donald Trump’s choice to head the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday that she believes climate change exists, but said she cannot determine whether humans are the primary cause. Speaking at her Senate confirmation hearing, Kirstjen Nielsen said she is “not prepared to determine causation” on climate change. Nielsen’s […]