by Daveda Gruber: The time has come. President Trump has just declared a national emergency. On Friday Trump said that he is declaring a national emergency on the southern border. The decision has been reached so that the president can use executive powers to divert billions toward construction of a […]
President Trump
Green New Deal Going to the Senate for Vote?
by Daveda Gruber: On Tuesday Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell R-Kentucky said that he wants to hold a vote on the “Green New Deal” resolution proposed by and authored by co-sponsors Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-N.Y. and Senator Ed Markey D-MA “to see how [Senate Democrats] feel about the ‘Green New […]
Was the WRAP UP SMEAR Used on Trump?
by: Daveda Gruber: We all know that smearing someone can be a tricky thing to do without getting caught. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has some information to share. Yes. she knows what it takes to SMEAR anyone using what she calls the WRAP UP SMEAR. I believe that […]
Will William Barr be the next Attorney General?
by: Daveda Gruber: President Trump’s pick for Attorney General, William Barr, has had a grueling time with Senators in the wake of facing confirmation to be President Trump’s chief law enforcement officer. Barr is expected to be confirmed by the full Senate. On Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced the […]
What Did You Think of the SOTU?
by: Daveda Gruber: What did you do last night? I for one, watched President Trump speak. The 2019 State of the Union Address was given by the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump, on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, at 9 p.m. EST in the chamber of the United […]
Israel is Building Yet Another Barrier at the Gaza Border
by: Daveda Gruber: Walls have been effective for many counties in protecting people. Just ask the Israeli people. Israel has a barrier that is basically a fence built along the border with Egypt. It has cut the number of illegal African migrants passing into Israel from 14,669 in 2010 to […]
Schumer Insults Trump in this Letter: See What it Says
by: Daveda Gruber: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter referencing President Trump and it wasn’t very polite. Trump had been tweeting and in a tweet said that the nation’s intelligence chiefs were “naive” about Iran and perhaps should “go back to school and Schumer came back with a […]
Roger Stone Speaks Out After Arrest
by: Daveda Gruber: On Friday Roger Stone was arrested in the wee hours of the morning. Stone was awakened in his Florida home by a slew of FBI SWAT team. CNN just happened to be there to film the arrest. The SWAT team, with helmets on and with guns drawn, […]
Pelosi and other Lawmakers May Have to Travel Commercial
by: Daveda Gruber: It appears that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is standing firm on her decision stop President Trump from delivering the State of the Union Address (SOTU) until the government is open. Trump fired back minutes later during a missile-defense speech at the Pentagon. I listened to Trump speak […]
Fake News Gets Even More Fake
by: Daveda Gruber: Has ‘Fake News’ gotten out of control? In a way, yes, totally off the deep end. On Wednesday the Washington Post warned the public that actual fake copies of the paper are being distributed around Washington. Ian Kullgren from Politico posted a picture of the fake copy: […]