Trump and Putin Discuss World Affairs and Mueller Probe

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by Daveda Gruber: On Friday President Trump had a conversation with none other than Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders discussed the crisis in Venezuela, nuclear agreements, North Korean denuclearization, Ukraine and trade. The call between Trump and Putin spoke for a little over an hour. Besides the other […]

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Nation

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by Daveda Gruber: On Monday Iran got a strong message from President Trump and the United States of America. Iran’s Revolutionary Guard was formally labeled as a “foreign terrorist organization.” Officials say that the announcement would put the military organization on the same level as terror groups like Hezbollah and […]

Mad Maxine Back to Pushing Impeachment?

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by Daveda Gruber: Mad Maxine is on the prowl again. The Democrat from California, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, is talking about impeaching President Trump yet again. On Tuesday Waters told the Woman’s National Democratic Club dinner, “Some people say, ‘How dare her (sic) come out and say, ‘Impeach him? She doesn’t know […]

Did Michael Avenatti Meet Karma Head On?

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by Daveda Gruber: On Monday, porn star Stormy Daniels’ former lawyer, Michael Avenatti, was arrested and charged by federal prosecutors for criminal extortion. Avenatti briefly considered a run for the presidency. He was arrested for allegedly trying to extort NIKE for $15-$25 million. Authorities charge that Avenatti threatened to hold […]

Trump Signs Executive Order to Promote Free Speech in Universities

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by Daveda Gruber: On Thursday President Trump made a bold move to protect American values. Trump signed an executive order that promotes free speech on college campuses. Trump was surrounded by conservative student activists at the signing ceremony. He said, “We’re here to take historic action to defend American students and American […]

“Insurance Policy” on Trump Revealed in Transcripts: Want to See?

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by Daveda Gruber: On Tuesday House Judiciary Committee Republicans released hundreds of pages of transcripts from last year’s closed-door interview with ex-FBI attorney Lisa Page. The long and drawn out Russian meddling probe ultimately brought up and gave center stage to explosive texts between then-lovers Page and her partner then-FBI […]