Five House Democrats took $60,000 Trip to Beyoncé Concert in South Africa

FAN Moderator

by Daveda Gruber: Democrats like paid vacations. We saw this when, in January, a group of Congressional Democrats was criticized for flying to Puerto Rico for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC gathering in San Juan. The trip included a special performance of the Broadway play “Hamilton.” This was not […]

Green New Deal Going to the Senate for Vote?

FAN Moderator

by Daveda Gruber: On Tuesday Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell R-Kentucky said that he wants to hold a vote on the “Green New Deal” resolution proposed by and authored by co-sponsors Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-N.Y. and Senator Ed Markey D-MA “to see how [Senate Democrats] feel about the ‘Green New […]

Will William Barr be the next Attorney General?

FAN Moderator

by: Daveda Gruber: President Trump’s pick for Attorney General, William Barr, has had a grueling time with Senators in the wake of facing confirmation to be President Trump’s chief law enforcement officer. Barr is expected to be confirmed by the full Senate. On Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced the […]