30 Days In

FAN Moderator

Barely a month in and the Biden-Harris bohunk trip through Wonderland has again been slowed as they bounced off the walls of the rabbit hole they’ve so wantonly plunged. Bunker Biden might be better served if he permanently returned to the basement as his bigoted schtick seems to never end. […]

The Coming of Cryptos

FAN Moderator

Self-proclaimed Catholic and AFL-CIO supported Joe Biden, the most “popular”candidate in American history, has killed thousands of jobs in less than a month and encouraged the continuance of all things abortion. His solution for all of these unemployed, many union workers, and the late-term babies cut into pieces and sold […]

The National Month of Bigotry

FAN Moderator

Ahh February. Back in the seventies the second month of a new year was a celebration of romance. Valentine’s Day landed in the middle and the collection of cards and candy hearts carried the hopeless, and hopeful romantics, through the winter. Yes, we were digging holes in the forest for […]


FAN Moderator

Dear Jason, What do you think of Biden’s first week in office? Honestly? Meh. The Democrats have tied themselves to a liar (not that they care) who has no plan, less morals and zero constituents. Donald Trump has a constituency. Sadly Obama still has a following. Even the Clintons have […]

The Road Less Traveled

FAN Moderator

It has taken less than twenty-four hours for Basement Biden to reward criminality, anger the Canadians, and break his own Executive Order. Are we sure Hunter is the only crack addict in the family? While the Big Guy was bending over for criminal foreign nationals and China, Antifa and BLM […]

Amen and Awomen

FAN Moderator

A few days ago I was having a discussion with a friend. My friend was irritated, frustrated and angry at the ridiculousness taking place in the country. “Is this ever going to end?” I nodded and said, “Absolutely, when the government can’t print anymore money reality will finally set in.” […]

So Close Yet So Far Away

FAN Moderator

I remember the election of Barack Obama. Oprah was crying, black power fists were rising, The Nobel Prize for Peace was given in “hope” of “change”. It was as though O. J. Simpson had been found not guilty all over again. Of course I didn’t vote for the community organizer, […]

Welcome to 2021

FAN Moderator

I remember watching the first term of Obama, and when the country voted to give him another, I decided I had to engage. I wrote Late Bird, appeared on radio and television and traveled America meeting wonderful citizens from Oklahoma to Michigan to Florida and everything in between. As momentum […]