The Coming of Cryptos

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Self-proclaimed Catholic and AFL-CIO supported Joe Biden, the most “popular”candidate in American history, has killed thousands of jobs in less than a month and encouraged the continuance of all things abortion.

His solution for all of these unemployed, many union workers, and the late-term babies cut into pieces and sold for a profit?

Let’s circle back.

Although I haven’t been impressed with any of the Republican talking heads in years, listening to the Democrats is beyond painful.

It’s as though they went down to the daily work daily pay local temp agency to fill cabinet positions.

I’ve never in my life seen the usage of “um” “uh” or “right?” as verbs, adjectives, and nouns in the same sentence.

“You know uh I don’t um know uh whether or not yeah uh um but trans people have uh human rights too right?”

I mean come on man, or woman, or whatever Biden’s bohemian beauties are calling and dressing themselves as, at any given moment these days.

They’d be better served, and frankly better deserved, if all became mimes and not daily memes.

Then again they are excellent examples of a meme, as after all, meme is really just ME ME and boy howdy do the Biden Brainless qualify in the individual olympic categories of stupidity and selfishness.

Okay then!

Let us move on to an actual subject that most aren’t discussing or even comprehend.

The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies and how the Federal government is doing everything it can to crash the Dollar.

I’ll try and keep this simple.

Debt is unsustainable one hundred percent of the time.

When businesses or individuals get out of control they can turn to the bankruptcy courts, which in my opinion, have been criminally used too many times by too many entities.

Nevertheless the big BK gives options to people and private companies, and believe it or not, some cities with the names of Detroit and Stockton.

The Federal Government does not have this option.

The Dollar is the reserve currency for the world.

The amount of pain and actual death that the American population will feel if/when the Dollar crashes is beyond the comprehension of most.

Modern Monetary Theory or Debt Doesn’t Matter is the gift of the political Boomer Generation (both Parties) that will never stop giving and is opening the door WIDE for the concept of One World Government.

The counteraction to this is the creation of thousands of cryptos trying to find a way to save the purchasing power of the Individual while nations and central banks concoct ridiculous theories that only the idiotic actually believe to be plausible.

Historically, stacked debt on a large enough group of humans leads to one thing and one thing only.


Sometimes within and sometimes outside the group.

This time will not be different. . .unless technology can stay ahead of the human condition of perpetual greed and an insatiable lust for power.

Good luck with that.

In the meantime, as I’ve discussed ad nauseam, the cryptos are NOT an investment.

They are so much more.

They are an insurance policy, especially for Americans who’ve really never lived in a survival like situation.

Hunting, harvesting, firewood, correct displacement of refuse, and ample water for consumption is not something most want to or can actually do or obtain.

Too many are counting on affordable conditioned heat and air, right on time food deliveries and medications to keep their hearts working.

With the constant and consistent devaluing of the Dollar tens if not hundreds of millions in America will not be able to afford these things, not that it will matter as most of these items will be difficult to procure, kind of like ammunition, gun powder and any product not made in China.

Even a little bit of “Bitcoin” may be enough to give you a chance if/when the cost of everything soars because the Dollar has been so devalued.

I’ve been purchasing different cryptos in small amounts for the past few years.

Again, to insure and ensure that I have some purchasing power as our government (both Parties, including Trump) crush our currency.

Recently I was speaking with a person about what was happening in America with our monetary system.

After a few minutes this individual moved right to the crux of things and asked in a concerned tone, “What will happen to America?”

I nodded and said, “Exactly.”

There is no greater beacon for Freedom than these United States.

However, history is lined with nations whose citizenry allowed things to rot from the inside and were then replaced with a newer version of Socratic Theory oppression or the revolution of the Tytler Cycle.

America is special. . .currently, but make no mistake.

We have a lot of work to do.

God helps those who help themselves.

Jason Kraus

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