The impact of social media success on teens

FAN Editor

The impact of social media success on teens – CBS News Watch CBS News Some of the biggest stars of the year were ordinary teens who seemingly became famous overnight on TikTok — but social media fame can come with a price. The story is explored in the new CBS […]

New audio shows McCarthy planned to push Trump to resign

FAN Editor

New audio shows McCarthy planned to push Trump to resign – CBS News Watch CBS News An audio recording released Thursday revealed that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was going to ask former President Trump to resign in the wake of the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Congressional correspondent […]

Civilians toll mounts in Russian offensive

FAN Editor

Civilians toll mounts in Russian offensive – CBS News Watch CBS News CBS News foreign correspondent Charlie D’Agata is in eastern Ukraine, where civilians are under constant bombardment. View CBS News In Be the first to know Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Not Now […]

Landscape trees spawn invaders “worse than murder hornets!”

FAN Editor

Stinky but handsome and widely popular landscape trees have spawned aggressive invaders, creating thickets that overwhelm native plants and sport nasty four-inch spikes. Bradford pears and 24 other ornamental trees were developed from Callery pears – a species brought to America a century ago to save ravaged pear orchards. Now, […]

How the environmental movement won with acid rain

FAN Editor

Depleted ecosystems, dwindling forests, contaminated drinking water and toxic soil. All due to what Canada’s Environment Minister John Roberts called in 1980 “the most serious environmental threat to face the North American continent.” The cause? Acid rain. But flash forward to today, and the presence of sulfuric and nitric acids […]

Analyzing what’s driving the U.S. stock market

FAN Editor

Analyzing what’s driving the U.S. stock market – CBS News Watch CBS News Peter Morici, professor at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, joins CBS News’ Tanya Rivero and Mola Lenghi to discuss today’s stock market activity, as well as the significance of Tesla’s […]